Friday, March 28, 2014

What I Wore March 4th

I went to work and met a friend for lunch, so this is a semi-casual work outfit. The skirt is from Yours, I've worn it here before. The top was from Yours too, about a million years ago. The cardigan was from a clothes swap in Sheffield, it's a size 22 which I am not but I think it looks good with the top button buttoned and the rest not.

Bonus picture of my nails!

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

What I Wore February 19th

I'm sorry I haven't written much here. I've been really busy, quite ill, and just generally feeling quite un-confident about myself. I may seem fully confident and I've run body positive workshops, but it isn't always easy in a world that hates fat bodies. I've been trying my best!

This was an outfit I wore to uni. This dress you've seen before, it was from Asos in January 2013, it has an exposed zip at the back. These leggings were off everything5pounds but they're not great quality. They're fun though! The boots I've had since I was about 15 but I recently bought some new ribbon laces for them.