Sunday, February 2, 2025

Afternoon with Friends

On the second Sunday in December Lee and I went across to Manchester to meet up with college friends of mine. There are four of us who are still close from 6th form college, and we try to meet up at Christmas each year. Between them they have a lot of small children, so wrangling them can be difficult. Because of that, we decided to go to Amy's house where the kids (six little girls - the only boy, R, is still a baby so not mobile!) can just play with stuff and we can chat. Amy's family is vegan so she asked us all to take some vegan goodies to share, and she and Mike made mulled cider and apple juice. 

Lee and I decided to set off earlier and call off in Glossop which is about halfway between us and Manchester. We know there's a bunch of charity shops there which we like looking round, and we thought we could get some brunch type of food as we knew we would be eating a bit later at Amy's house. We set off and were soon into the gloom over the moors, but it was fine. We got to Glossop and parked by the Marks and Spencer and went for a wander. Quite a few shops were open so we had fun looking in them. I think I bought a quiz book but nothing else. 

We wanted a drink and some food, so Lee suggested a chain cafe but I thought something else would be open and I was right, and it was SO CUTE. It was called About Thyme and it was absolutely cute inside. There were a bunch of vegetarian choices which was good for me. I went for crumpets with cheese on, and we both had ridiculous hot chocolates too. Lee had forgotten his hoodie so I ended up giving him my cardigan (as I had my coat too) as it was raining. We bought some bits in M&S and then set off to Manchester. 

We chatted to Amy and Mike and the kids for a while and then after a while we were joined by Gillian and Tom and their girls, and Michelle and Sam and their girls too. We had plenty of food and drink and we were able to just chat and enjoy each other's company. It was a lovely time with old friends. I'm glad we still do it! I got to cuddle some babies too. 

Lee and I left about 6.30 I'm guessing, and had a fine drive home over the tops in the dark. I was wearing my rose print dress - it's a nice dress for winter and warm enough. I love the pattern of it, I have been wearing it a lot. 

It was really foggy over Woodhead Pass as we set off

Lee in the cafe wearing my cardigan and looking very hipster. Amy and I should meet up in that cafe as they had a fair few vegan choices too 

Ridiculous hot chocolates

And crumpets with cheese

Three of the six little girls playing with something, not sure what. We ended up putting music on and having a bit of a disco, too. They're so much fun

I took this photo of Lee and I in Amy's bright sunshiney kitchen 

Me and Gillian

Me and Amy and baby R

And fin ally here's my outfit when we got home

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