Wednesday, September 6, 2023

Copy That Zine Fest in Leeds

On the 15th of July Lee and I headed to Leeds for Copy That Zine Fest, where I had a table. We had had a stressful day the day before because Poppy (one of our cats) had managed to rip off six of her back claws and we had to rush her to the vets. Fortunately she didn't seem in too much pain and the vet told us to keep an eye on her and gave us some medicine for her. She was a bit subdued on Friday but was okay overnight so we felt okay in leaving her. However, we had planned to go to my mum's for tea after the zine fest, but we didn't want to leave Poppy for that long, so instead we invited my mum and stepdad to ours instead and picked them up after the zine fest. Much less stressful and Poppy is fine thankfully. 

We arrived at Archive, near the ITV building, at about 9.30. We managed to park right outside which was good. It was much bigger inside than I thought! We got the table set up and then had pastries and coffee for breakfast - my pain au chocolat was delicious! 

The fest opened at 10 and throughout the day there was a steady stream of people. I didn't do mega sales but I did see a bunch of friends that I haven't seen in ages, so that was really nice. I traded some zines with someone which I love to do, and I also bought the cutest pair of earrings which I have worn several times since then! 

Lee went out to get lunch as we knew we were getting a takeaway in the evening, but we did share this delicious cookie dessert from Archive. It was two cookies sandwiched together with chocolate ganache, and it was SO good! It was vegan too. 

I was wearing this new white spotty dress that I wore on holiday. Underneath I had Better Tights shorts on because I feel less exposed that way, and they're almost the same colour as my skin so they didn't show through the white fabric. 

As I said, we picked up my mum and stepdad and brought them to ours. We ordered an Indian takeaway and had a few drinks. It was nice to catch up!

Lee took this photo of me in the corridor going towards the loos - so glamourous but I liked the lighting!

Me behind my stall

Look how nice it was all set up

Looking out at the rest of the stalls (I had some to the left of me, too)

Lee and I were on the end of this row

I loved the advertising which was being projected

Look at these earrings! They are SO cute! They have tiny stars inside them

Finally here's Lou and I, it was so nice to catch up with her

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