Thursday, October 17, 2024

A Friday at the End of August

On the last Friday of August I had a busy day. I had arranged to see my friend Philippa for lunch. She lives in Sheffield so we generally meet up there, and take it in turns to choose where we'll eat. I had a hankering for sushi so I suggested Mr Miyagi's on Division Street. However, it's in the pedestrianised area of Division Street which makes it difficult to get to and hard to park near. Philippa and I both struggle with access, and I hate parking round there. So we decided I would park at hers and we would get a taxi together to very close to Mr Miyagi's. So that's what we did. The restaurant doesn't have tons of tables, but there was one free so we managed to get in.

I've only been there once before but I had the Korean barbecue mock chicken so I wanted that again, but they didn't have any. So I went for muck duck bao buns instead. I also got a vegetarian sushi platter because it was sushi I wanted! It was really good food and the atmosphere was pretty good inside. I need to go back more often! 

We then walked next door to the Frog and Parrot and sat on the pavement and had a drink and I had a chocolate brownie and ice cream for pudding. We were under a parasol and it was lovely and sunny so we sat chatting for ages before getting a taxi back to Philippa's. 

I got home and relaxed for a bit before just after 6pm when Lee and I set off to Chesterfield to go to his friend Brian's house. Brian has built a bar in a summer house in his garden and he had invited us over for a drink. He's the bass player in Lee's band and their ex bandmate Leah was there too. Brian's girlfriend Lisa was there too, and another friend called Holly who I haven't met before but it was really nice to meet her! We sat in the pub and had a few drinks and some snacks and chatted and stuff. It was really good fun and the bar is lush, really cosy. 

We got back about 11pm after taking Leah back to Sheffield. Lee doesn't drink alcohol which is very useful so he can drive! It was a fun, friend filled day 

Mock duck bao buns with hoisin sauce. The vegetarian selection in Mr Miyagi's is extensive and everything I've had has been so good!

Vegetarian sushi platter - it was also lovely

I also had a beer outside the pub; I love drinking beer in the sunshine!

My brownie in the pub

The bar at Brian's. The pumps don't actually connect to anything but they do look the part!

And here we all are - Brian took this photo. I was wearing my galaxy print dress but didn't get a close up photo of it

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