Saturday, March 25, 2017

Sheffield Zine Fest 2017

This was the fifth annual Sheffield Zine Fest, organised by my friends Bettie and Chella, and I took my distro and had a table. I had a really lovely time and came home with a fantastic haul of new zines which I'll curl up with to read sometime soon.

I've got just a few photos to share of the day.

Here's our stall. We've got a lot of zines, by people I really really like and admire, but we need to display them better. I've ordered a leaflet holder which will hopefully help a bit! I made the bunting years ago, it was one of the first things I made when I learnt to crochet!

In lieu of running a workshop this year, I had an ongoing table where people could share their secrets. A bit like PostSecret! There were quite a few secrets left in the box, some funny and some profound.

And here's all the lovely zines I brought home! I'm so excited about all of these! 

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