Wednesday, April 5, 2023

Films of the Month - February

I only watched THREE films in February. THREE. That is seriously the lowest number since I started keeping records, which is probably about ten years ago at this point, maybe longer. I am disappointed in myself. I know that one of the reasons is that February is a prime time for new dramas to come out, so I was watching some of those. I enjoyed the new season of Vera, and then the new - and final - series of Endeavour started. I enjoyed Dancing on Ice and a couple of similar shows. I watched a couple of series on Netflix where sometimes I might choose a film there instead.

But another reason why I didn't watch many films is that February was just really difficult for me. January had not been great either, what with dental surgery and then my grandma dying at the end of the month, and then my mum having to have her cat put to sleep in February. My grandma's funeral didn't happen until the 21st of February, nearly four weeks later, which is just so long to wait. I spent a lot of February anxious and upset. When I'm like that I find it really hard to have the mental werewithal to watch films. 

I feel like I had a bad start to 2023. It didn't go at all how I wanted. As well as my own things, I feel like a lot of my friends were going through really crap stuff too. Someone lost his wife, someone discovered her husband has Stage IV cancer, someone else was in A&E... that's just three of the people who have had some kind of suffering in January or February. I really hope things improve for me and everyone else soon. 

Anyway here's the three films I did see:

I hadn't seen The Virgin Suicides in absolutely forever, and I remember really liking it, so I thought I would watch it again. It is a really ethereal film and I like that

East Is East is one of my favourite films ever, I basically know all the words. That kind of film is perfect for when I'm feeling low

Finally, Stand By Me was on Netflix so I watched it. It's a brilliant film, I love the short story it's based on too 

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