Saturday, July 27, 2024

Holiday in Wales - Day 3

On the third day of our holiday we went to the seaside! We were about an hour's drive away but it was one of the things I wanted to do so we thought it would be worth it. I had also seen something that said Talacre Beach was really beautiful, so we went there first. It's stunning, I would recommend it if you go nearby. There is some parking and some amenities, but I can imagine it gets really busy when the weather is good. We walked all along the duck boards and on to the beach. It was nicely accessible which was good. The sand was blowing everywhere in the wind and it was not at all warm. 

We walked off the beach and went into Lola and Suggs which was a very cute little cafe. We shared a hot drink and some ice cream. We went into the couple of shops that there were - we bought a crappy magnet and a ball for the pool - and then went in to the bakery. They had vegan sausage rolls so I got one of those and Lee got a chicken pasty I think. We drove to Prestatyn and ate our lunch watching the sea - the water was really rough, the waves were splashing right over the prom! It was amazing. After we'd eaten we walked along for a bit. We went to Prestatyn a few years ago with my cousin when we were camping in the area. We could see what used to be Pontins which only closed last autumn, it was weird because all the stuff is still inside, it's like a ghost town. We played in the amusements for a bit. 

We wanted donuts so we drove along the front hoping to find somewhere selling them, but couldn't, and went through to Rhyl too. They're doing a lot of work on the seafront so it's a bit of a building site and it honestly looked pretty terrible. It's a shame really. Nowhere was open in Rhyl so we went back to Prestatyn and had ice creams in the amusement arcade. 

Then we drove back to our caravan so that we could go swimming. I was wearing one of my flamingo skirts and a new pink top that I had got the week before from Yours in Meadowhall. I used to have a peachy top similar so I was happy to replace it! I can't remember what we had for tea, but something, clearly. I was drinking a delicious bottle of Cotes de Provence wine that I was given for my birthday and had been saving. I also finished my first ball of yarn... I'm making something for me and I need to get on with it!

I love info boards like this

Walking along the duck boards

It went right one way and back the other

Picture of us on the beach

And here's me - yes it was June I promise!

Lee took this of the beach

You can go to the lighthouse - which is weirdly just on some rocks - but we didn't

It's pretty though

Looking back as we walked back

Hot chocolate

And ice cream to share

Vegan sausage roll - I ate it in the new car but had to be very careful to not get bits everywhere!

The caravan didn't have anything in the way of food storage so we ended up putting our sandwiches in a glass dish to take it with us for a car picnic

Look at the water! 

It was coming right in over the prom steps

This statue marks the beginning of Offa's Dyke

Look at the state of my hair

A whippy ice cream back in the amusement arcade

My outfit when we got back to the caravan

And here's the pool! There was no one else in it so we had it all to ourselves. We swam for ages and played with the ball we had bought 

View from the other way - as I said previously I think the pool needed a refurbishment but it wasn't too bad and the water was warm enough

Delicious rose wine in the evening

And finally my crochet!

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