Tuesday, July 30, 2024

Holiday in Wales - Day 4

On the Monday of our holiday we went to Chester. This was one of the main reasons that we stayed where we did, because I've only been to Chester once. And it was when I was eighteen, and we were looking at the university, so we didn't really see a lot of the city. So I wanted to go back, which is why we booked to stay in north Wales. We were only about half an hour away from Chester. We booked lunch at Atina Kitchen for noon, so set off just before that. It's just outside the city walls and had a nice selection of vegetarian food. Lee got a spiced turkey burger which he really enjoyed. I had a veggie breakfast which was delicious. Lee had a huge hot chocolate!

After we had eaten we moved the car to be slightly closer to the centre and walked into the centre. We went past the town hall and a few cool statues, as well as tons of foreign tourists, I was surprised actually by how many we saw from all over the world! We decided to go in the cathedral to have a look around. It's huge! There are many different parts to it. I liked the glass art that was dotted around all over, and I liked the garden too. There's a huge model of the cathedral made out of lego which was really cool to see. 

We left the cathedral and walked to The Cross which is right in the middle of the funny streets called The Rows. They are like sort of lower ground shops (down a couple of steps) with first floor shops (up a flight of steps which are all over the place) above. I remembered these from before so I wanted to go on them. There are TONS of jewellery shops on one particular bit. We went in loads of shops. 

By this time it was about 3pm so we decided to go somewhere for dessert. There was a crepe shop called Crepe Affaire so we went in there because we both like crepes. We both had them with Belgian chocolate and ice cream. It was a really cute little shop with friendly staff. 

We went in a few more shops including some record shops that Lee had found. At about 4.30 we decided to go and have a drink. The sun had come out and it was lovely. We went into a restaurant called The Shrub which serves all vegan food and has a few cocktails. I had something that was absolutely delicious, but I don't remember what it was called now. It was sweet and lovely though! We sat on The Rows in the part that was open to the world, but warm enough and contained too. It was SO nice, really lovely. It was like being abroad!

We were too late to go swimming once we got back to the caravan, so we decided to just relax for the evening. I was wearing my new Bruce Springsteen t shirt which I got after the gig in May - it's a 2XL and really nice to wear. I wore it with an old Scarlett and Jo skirt and leggings. I was also wearing some new Blue John jewellery. I love fluorite anyway and this is a type of fluorite that is only found near Castleton in Derbyshire and it has such beautiful markings. I have a few pieces of it, but I was lucky enough to get some jewellery made of it! My aunt gave me the earrings for Christmas and Sarah gave me the necklace for my birthday - aren't they lovely? I will wear them together of course. I hadn't worn them before but it was nice to on holiday.

I sat outside for a little bit after tea but it was a bit too cold without the sun on it. Then I took another photo of the sky, of course. It was lovely! This was a really busy day - we walked a lot - but really worth it to see Chester

The ceiling in Atina Kitchen, it was all recipes typed on the pages

Lee's ridiculous hot chocolate

My breakfast - yummy!

The ceiling of a record shop we went in

Chester Town Hall

This glass art was dotted all over the cathedral, they were so cute

Inside the nave

The model made of Lego

Part of the monastery that used to be there

I liked this fountain in the garden

The city walls - Atina Kitchen was further down this road

The Rows! They are so beautiful and have a really fascinating history

Crepes! Delicious

Upstairs in The Rows, this was where there were loads of jewellery shops. A lot of them had really expensive stuff in!

The Cross on the right marks the middle of The Rows

Another shot of them

Here we are in Shrub, looking down on the street from the first floor

Here's Lee

And me!

My delicious cocktail

My outfit when we got back

My beautifull Blue John jewellery

Here I am sitting outside at the picnic bench

And finally the sky

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