Sunday, September 8, 2024

Family Trip to Norfolk - Day 1

At the end of July Lee and I went to Norfolk with my family for a few days! In previous years we have been camping as a family and it's always been a really good time. But baby T was born a year ago so Rob and Beth didn't want to take him camping just yet - which is fine especially as it can drop really cold over night - so we decided to go in static caravans instead. Rob and Beth and Lee and I were in one, and our parents were in another. The parents just stayed for three nights, but the rest of us stayed five nights. We were also able to persuade Rob's brother, my cousin Peter, to come with us and stay for five nights too. He's been having a bit of a rubbish time so I'm really glad we were able to get him to come and hopefully relax with us for a few days. 

I've only been to Norfolk once before and it took us an absolutely ice age to get there so I warned Lee the traffic might be terrible. We set off at about 10.15pm on the Friday morning and we ended up reaching Hunstanton at about 2.15, and we had stopped for some lunch, too! So that was really good, actually, and I'm glad, because it was really hot. We stopped at a roadside farm shop thing called Ivy's, and had immense sandwiches and some chips. 

When we got to Manor Park we realised it was a Parkdean Resort (we had booked privately, so hadn't realised) which Lee and I have visited before and really rate, so that was good. We met Rob and Beth and T at the caravan and got settled in. It wasn't huge, but it was basically fine. It was comfortable and clean and had plenty of stuff in it, so it was fine. 

Lee and I booked into swimming at 4pm and went. There was a totally outdoor pool but it was shut which was a shame. But the main pool had a small outdoor bit! It had a bit you could swim through to and it was so lovely to be outside in the sunshine. The water was really warm, too. I'm glad we bothered to go on the Friday afternoon!

Peter arrived just after 5pm and my mum and stepdad and aunt and uncle came over to our van. We had spaghetti bolognese for tea and sat on the decking for a bit before T went to bed. Then we sat inside and were more quiet so we didn't wake him up! 

Around 8.30 Neil wanted to go down to the sea front to look at the sunset. Hunstanton faces west so the sun does set off the sea front even though it's really over the land in Lincolnshire. Peter and Lee and I decided to go with him and it was really pretty so I'm really glad I did. We then popped into the amusements very briefly before coming back to the caravan! 

My nails were this gold Maybelline polish that Chloe gave me recently, I really liked it

Lee and I had one of the small bedrooms and my bed was right under the window, and this was the view from it 

I think when I'm old I would like a bed under a window so I can watch the stars at night

The pool just before 5pm when we got out. The outdoor part is on the left there

There were plenty of ducks around in the park which was cute

T rifled through my handbag - what is it with babies and bags - and he discovered an apple, so I let him chew on it a bit

The sunset when we went down, it was really pretty!

I love beaches at sunset

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