Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Family Trip to Norfolk - Day 2

On the Saturday of our little break we all had breakfast in our own caravans, and then my mum, aunt, and uncle went in one car to the Norfolk Lavender fields, and Rob, Beth, T and I set off in their car to meet them there. Everyone else stayed back at the caravans, which is fine - no one has to do anything they don't want to on a trip like this!

You could pay to go into the main lavender fields but I didn't do that. There's plenty to see anyway, otherwise. We walked into one of the garden bits and looked at the lavender. We went into the farm shop and another fancy interiors shop. We walked round the old mill building and looked at the river. We went across the bridge and played Pooh sticks on the water. Beyond the bridge were some cool things - a kind of giant's kitchen and a teepee type thing. We took lots of photos of course. 

We went back to the caravans and had some lunch, and then Lee, Peter and I walked across to the parents' caravan as we hadn't seen it yet. It was so hot! The weather was ridiculous. Then we walked across to the pool with my mum to go swimming at 4pm. It was really nice in the outside bit of the pool because the weather was so nice. Beth and T joined us for a little bit which was lovely of course - T really likes swimming and we moved him across the pool a lot!

When we got back I had a shower and then everyone started cooking. A few weeks previously I had had a dream that all of us were on holiday in Spain together so Rob suggested we should make tapas. We all decided different things to make. I made a Greek salad and mozzarella and tomato salad. Lee made patatas bravas with two sauces. As you can see the spread was immense and really lovely! 

I also mixed up some white sangria for us and a lot of people liked it and wanted more. We played quiz games in the evening which is something we all like to do together. Last thing at night I took a picture of the stars and it turned out I'd taken a picture of the Summer Triangle! Who knew! 

Drying lavender by the old mill - it smelt amazing as you can imagine

One of the free to access fields - the paid ones were much bigger and across the road. My uncle paid to go in because he wanted to take photos

You could have just been in Provence!

And there were a few different varieties

I love hydrangeas so nearly always take photos of them

The water coming down where the water wheel used to be

My mum thought this was some kind of hydrangea too

Looking down stream

My aunt and I on the bridge

T on the giant's chair - so cute!

Giant pencils

In use! Haha

Looking up in the teepee

Look at our magnificient tapas! It wqas honestly so nice. The pans in the back had meatballs in them

My white sangria

And finally stars!

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