Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Family Trip to Norfolk - Day 5

Tuesday was our last day on holiday! We had decided to go to the Sealife Centre which was just along the front so we had booked tickets the night before because it was cheaper. We had also decided that we wanted ice cream at a gelato place near the Sealife Centre, and that we wanted to play mini golf, and that we wanted donuts! It was a busy day! We were telling the parents on our group Whatsapp that we had gone rogue and decided to have ice cream AND donuts because we're adults now and can do what we like! 

We got up and sat about for a bit and stuff before going to the front to play mini golf. It was £7.50 but for that there are two courses. We set off on the Aztec one. It was pretty fun. The weather was really hot so I even tied my hair up which I rarely do!

We finished that course about 11.15 so walked along to the gelato parlour. Rob and Beth were waiting for some friends who happened to be staying in the same area, but there was a bit of a queue so Lee and Peter and I walked along. I got a raspberry granita and two scoops of ice cream. One was orange ripple and one was coffee. The orange ripple was really unusual but nice! Lee got a mint ice cream cookie sandwich which he enjoyed. Rob and Beth and their friends turned up and we sat until about noon because that's when our tickets for the Sealife Centre were. 

I really liked a lot of the animals in there, especially the seals! I'll let the photos speak for themselves here because I took loads. After we came out, we had some lunch outside the Sealife Centre - just a few snacks. Then we went back to the mini golf and played the Blackbeard course. It was still entirely too hot and bothered, hence my face in the photo! 

We walked through the funfair and got donuts at the stand there. They were fresh and hot and delicious! We accosted a stranger to take a photo of all six of us so thank you to that kind stranger! Peter and Beth walked back to the caravan so that T could have a nap, but Rob and I decided to swim in the sea again. I'm so glad the weather was nice enough to! I got changed in the public loos and swam out with Rob and it was lovely.

I sat in the sun on the deck again for a bit when we got back, before having a shower. Lee cooked a veggie mince Mexican rice dish thing for tea which he had made for us before and we had really liked, and so did everyone else when he made it for them. Again we played games in the evening but we had an earlier night because we were tired! 

On the Wednesday we just packed up and said goodbye. Lee and I left about 9.45 and made it home about 12.45 which was really good going! The cats had all been left with a cat sitter visiting twice a day and they had all got on fine while we were gone. In fact I think Poppy and Jasmine had got used to Kiki a lot more. 

I don't have any siblings but I am blessed with the most amazing cousins and I am so glad we got to spend this time together.

Here's T and I having a cuddle in the caravan in the morning - he really is the cutest little thing

As we arrived on the beach, looking out to the sea. The promenade is nice and wide here and accessible

These amphibian vehicles do tours from the front and we had talked about going on one but didn't get round to it. At this time they were just arriving from wherever they sleep at night, haha

Here it is up close

Playing the Aztec course. I did pretty well on this! 

Granita and gelato, which were both delicious 

Peter and I in the Sealife Centre. He really is such a great person

Here's Lee and I, he's pretty great too


Here's T looking at the fishies

Tiny seahorse

The sky was absolutely stunning, I was so happy to be in the sun

They run a seal rescue centre here and these adult seals can't be released into the wild. They are so cute


And nemo fish in an anenome

The donut stand was breaking any number of copyrights

Here we all are looking happy

Because we had donuts!

Hot and bothered while playing mini golf 

And then very refreshed while in the sea

Jump in the sea, it's worth it

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