Sunday, September 1, 2024

Lunch and a Playdate with Gillian and Michelle

On Friday the 12th of July I went to Batley to meet my friends Gillian and Michelle. Gillian and I already had plans and then I was trying to set something up with Michelle, so we decided to all get together with three of their four girls. We went to sixth form college together a zillion years ago and have stayed in touch ever since. 

We decided to go to the Little Town of Play in Batley. They had been before with their kids and were happy to go again and for me to tag along. I have heard of it but clearly I don't have kids so I've never been. It's in an very weird place but I got parked and then went in with Michelle. There's a few tables and a small cafe, and then there's a huge play area with tons of different things in it. It's gated so the kids can play by themselves, which E and A both did as they're both coming up for four years old. They did come back to us a bit, but mostly looked after themselves. Which meant that Michelle and Gillian and I could talk and we could play with Michelle's six month old baby, B. She's too cute! She was in a good mood with me. The cafe is a bit basic but I had a bagel with cream cheese and a coffee. 

The kids get to play for an hour and a bit, and then they all help to tidy up, and then that's it. It's a really good system! So we were done by 1pm, so we decided to go to Starbucks which is on the same complex. I just had a coffee there, but we sat for another ninety minutes chatting and playing with the girls. They are all such cute little things. As are my friends!

I got home and lay down for a bit and then did some work before about 5.45, when I headed out with Lee again. His band was playing in Sheffield so I said I would go. We went to Taco Bell to begin with for tea, and then picked up Jake, the drummer, and headed to Zephyrs. I met a few of Lee's friends that I haven't met before, which was nice. I got a seat and a huge glass of red wine, and sat reading my book. I was fine! Lee's band were really good and it was nice to see them again because it's been a long time since I have! I had another drink and we left about eleven o'clock and took Jake home before heading home ourselves. 

I was wearing one of my flamingo skirts. This one used to be a dress but my mum altered it for me. This top is quite new, I got it from Yours in June and it's really nice and also like a top that I used to have and liked until it went bobbly!

Here's me and baby B, she is a very cute little squidge

Michelle's eldest and Gillian's youngest

They're already good friends which is really lovely to see!

My outfit when I got home - I went out in the same thing in the evening too. Plus a cardigan because it really has been cold, hasn't it?

Here's Lee's band on the 'stage', they sounded good!

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