Thursday, August 1, 2024

Holiday in Wales - Day 5

On the Tuesday of our holiday we had a bit of a different day because we spent a few hours in a spa! Lee and I both love spa days so we had looked nearby, and Lee dropped upon this little spa at Ruthin Castle. I'll explain more further down. But first of all we went to Ruthin itself. It's a tiny place, smaller than we had thought, so we quickly exhausted its delights. The books in the charity shops were good, though! Then we heard someone mention the craft centre so we went there. It's nice, but not all of it was open. It's got studios and stuff and would be good for kids, but it's a shame it wasn't all open. We did some colouring in in one of the places for kids. Then we had lunch in the cafe. Lee had a fish goujon sandwich which was lovely, and I had Welsh rarebit and some chips. The food was really good, I would recommend it for that! Lee had a ridiculous hot chocolate again and I think I might have too, actually. 

Next we drove to Mold. It's slightly bigger than Ruthin so had some nice shops. Again the charity shops were off the scale - they had loads of good books and lots of plus size clothes! I tried on some things but didn't end up buying anything. But I was glad to see it. I also bought some bara brith in a bakery - I've never had it before and really wanted to try it.

Then we went to Ruthin Castle! It operates as a hotel and the spa is down sort of in the vaults of the castle. It doesn't have a pool, but it has five hot tubs outside amongst trees which are absolutely lovely. We got three hours in the spa, and an hour in the hot tubs. This cost just £25 each! Which is so good! It was definitely worth that. We booked the hot tub for 5pm. We got there at 4 and got changed, and sat in the relaxation room for a bit first. It's a really dark room (my photos make it look lighter than it is) with beds so we laid quietly and read. 

Then we went in the thermal suite. The whole thing is quite warm, and there's a steam room and a sauna and a rain shower. However, the sauna wasn't working, so we were offered a glass of prosecco each to make up for it! We probably wouldn't have used the sauna anyway! There are nice couches in the thermal suite so we sat there until 5pm when it was time to go outside to the hot tub.

It was really lovely. There wasn't anyone else in any of them when we first got in. There are seats. The tub was big, and the water was really warm and lovely. The setting is so beautiful, I'm so glad we did it. I got to drink both proseccos because Lee doesn't drink alcohol, so that's a win for me! We were chatting and it was just nice. 

After our hour was up we laid down again for a bit and then went back in the thermal suite too. I sat in the steam room for a little bit. We got changed and left at 7pm. It is a lovely little spa - it does do treatments and it has a mud treatment room too which I will definitely get around to doing at some point. 

We got back to the caravan about 7.30 and got showered. I had toasted bara brith for tea and it was indeed delicious - I will have to have it again! We watched films. Lee told me there was a lovely sunset so I took a photo of it. Beautiful! It was a really lovely relaxing day. 

I put contact lenses in on this day because I was hoping the sun would come out - I did get to wear some of my cute sunglasses for a little bit

I saw this sign outside a shop and utterly agreed with it!

This building used to be the court house

And this one had some history too!

I liked the colours of these houses

This was on one wall in the craft centre 

Big hot chocolate

Lee with his one

Welsh rarebit! I love it so much

In the relaxation room in the spa

Us lying down

The thermal suite. There were other people around but not lots

I liked this wall upstairs in the spa

Our hot tub and prosecco! 

Lee took this one of us both in it. I recently changed the piercing in my nose - this one is slightly bigger and opal coloured

Here I am! This costume is new too - I got it in like February from Simply Be because I ordered a ton and kept four - two are fun and two are better for actual swimming. This is one of the swimming ones, it has stripes on in lighter blue and green and I really like it

Looking down at one of the other tubs

Here I am again with my drink

This hydrangea was just outside the spa door, wasn't it lovely?

Lying down in the relaxation room again

Toasted bara brith

And what we could se of the sunset

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