Friday, August 18, 2023

Holiday in the Lake District - Day 3

On the Saturday of our holiday we had aranged to meet my friend Rachael. She lives in Carlisle so I always try to catch up with her in the area. We had decided to go on the paddle steamers on Ullswater, from Pooley Bridge to Glenridding and then back again. I had done my research and thought it was just a little bit too far for me to walk from the paddle steamer dock up to Glenridding village, so we decided we would get the boat straight back and then have lunch and a walk around in Pooley Bridge. Rachael was fine with that - she has chronic illness herself so she knows that people sometimes have to limit themselves. 

We picked her up in Penrith and drove to Pooley Bridge. We were in plenty of time so we went in a cafe Rachael had been in recently with her mam and had amazing hot chocolates with cream, marshmallows, and maltesers! They were so good! Then randomly as we were leaving the cafe we bumped into Lee's sister Kim! She was walking round Ullswater with some friends and happened to see me as I was waiting near the cafe! How odd! We spoke to her briefly then walked along to the boat dock. The staff there warned us that the wind was getting up and if it did, we wouldn't be able to get the boat back as they would be stopping all trips. That was kiiind of okay. I was a bit concerned about if Lee would feel seasick on the trip, but we got on the boat anyway and it was fine! We could see a lot of wind in the trees around the lake, but the actual boat was very steady. We enjoyed the ride - it was a shame that the weather wasn't a bit better but at least it wasn't raining on us. Rachael walked around the boat a bit but Lee and I just stayed where we were. 

I enjoyed the ride and it was nice to see so much round the lake. When we got off, we were told that indeed, the return boat was cancelled and we needed to get a refund from the office, and then a bus back to Pooley Bridge, which was leaving at 25 past the hour. We were waiting a little bit in the office so by the time we walked for the bus it was already nearly quarter past. And I was right, it was quite a long way for me to walk all at once. We did make the bus so that was the main thing, and it got us back to Pooley Bridge quickly. 

We went in a couple of shops and then decided to go into the Pooley Bridge Inn for lunch. I had a vegan hotdog and chips, which were nice enough. We went in a couple more shops before taking Rachael back to Penrith for her train. It was lovely to see her!

When we got back to Braithwaite we went swimming again and afterwards made chilli for tea. The last photo is around 10.20pm, when we stepped out on to the walkway and as you can see we could see the light over the hills, it was beautiful! 

Walking across the bridge in Pooley Bridge

The hot chocolates were SO good, that chocolate spoon was delicious

The boat!

We were sitting right on the bow 

Lee me and Rachael, and a random stranger who did not look too impressed with us

Setting off - you can see the weather wasn't great, but we were surprised it was too windy to sail!

Another boat on the lake

I loved this hill, so pretty

And another vessel along the way

The river in Glenridding as we walked to the bus stop. At least it wasn't raining at this point! Lee and I were actually really lucky all week - all the times it chucked it down we managed to be inside or not up yet

Cute clock inside the pub - I bet it was from a train station

Vegan hotdog

The sun came out a bit when we were walking round Pooley Bridge

And back over the bridge. I would have liked to paddle in this water, but we didn't have time and we didn't get back there the rest of the week either. Maybe next time we visit!

I was wearing my new Bruce Sprinsteen t shirt and one of my flamingo skirts

Another view of the pool - someone told me about using the 0.5 view on your phone camera so that's what I did

Chilli with tortilla chips

And the view from the balcony last thing at night

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