Wednesday, August 21, 2024

Family Celebration

The very last day in June was Baby T's dedication and first birthday party! Lee and I weren't sure if we were free but it turned out we were, which was good because I'm glad I didn't miss it! Baby T is the son of my cousin Rob and his wife Beth and it has been a pleasure to get to know him over the last year! We didn't go to the church service but left ours about 11.45 so get to Leicester at about 1.15. 

Beth had got lots of dinosaur decorations which were so cute. The food was sandwiches and crisps, then plenty of homemade cake and scones. It was all delicious! We sat with my cousin Pete and my mum and stepdad, but we talked to a few other people too of course. There was a birthday cake for T which was delicious. Beth was wearing this gorgeous dinosaur dress from Joanie Clothing I think, but she got it off Vinted. I was wearing a dress from Yours that I've had forever but I really like it. I had a black cardigan over the top. 

We left Leicester at about 4.30 maybe, and then met up with my mum and stepdad at a motorway services at like 6pm for some tea. We had different things so we were all happy! 

It was a lovely day and I'm glad we could go. I'll let the photos speak for themselves: 

Baby T and Beth's dad, he is so cute. He looks a lot like Beth's side of the family, but I can also see Rob in him

Beautiful cake!

Beth and T before we sang happy birthday

With Rob too. It's so cute because when we all clapped T joined in! Celebrating himself!

With my aunt, uncle, and cousin too 

Here's Peter and I. It was really nice to catch up with him

And here's T with some bubbles as we were clearing up, he loves bubbles

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