Sunday, August 11, 2024

Quick Lunch in June

When we were just back off our holiday I arranged to meet up with my friend Charlotte in Barnsley. I think I mentioned before that we met up in April. Our mums have been friends since before either of us were born and Charlotte has just had a baby, and I know it can be hard when you're at home with the baby and all your friends are working, so I reached out to her and asked if she would like to meet up. She quickly agreed, so we decided to get together again in June. She's about to move close to Barnsley so I suggested coming there.

As I've said before there's been a lot of work done in Barnsley now with several new restaurants and the market kitchen in the market hall. We decided to go to the market kitchen, so we met up there. There's a few different kiosks to choose from but Charlotte and I both went for the Thai place. I got massaman curry with veg and tofu, which I love. Charlotte got pad Thai which she enjoyed too. They were doing some work on the bar in the kitchen (which I've later learnt is a contentious issue over rent) so it wasn't as big as it usually is and it was a bit noisy. But we still had a nice chat and I had a couple of cuddles with baby I! He's a very chill little babe, so sweet. 

The first photo is of a duck that my friend Ann at craft club has made - isn't she so sweet? 

Look at her little hat and wellies! Too cute

Me and baby I - he likes looking at the phone

Massaman curry which has tons of peanuts and is just a bit spicy

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