Tuesday, August 13, 2024

Two Helens in One Day

On the 21st of June I had two separate plans with two friends, both called Helen. Weird coincidence! First of all I had plans in Glossop with my friend Helen who I met on Twitter actually, over eight years ago. I last saw her at my birthday party in January so didn't have much time to talk to her then, so it was well overdue! Glossop is about halfway between my house in Barnsley and hers in Manchester, and there's a Lounge there that we've been to before. I set off just after eleven am and would have made good time; I was planning on having a coffee and reading my book for a while before Helen arrived. But as I set off on Woodhead Pass, there was an accident and the queue was huge. Loads of people were turning round so I did the same and went to Midhopestones, where I then went over on to Snake Pass and went to Glossop that way. This meant I didn't get to the Lounge until about 12.15, but I had also had a text from Helen as she had got stuck in traffic too. She arrived only a few minutes after me. 

I had smashed avocado on toast with a poached egg, and parmesan fries - it was all delicious. I also had a raspberry lemonade. We would have had dessert except I knew I was going out later in the evening so didn't want any, so we had a coffee each instead. I had an iced vanilla latte which was really nice. We said goodbye about 2.30 because Helen had to get back for her kids. In the same complex as Pico Lounge there's a Marks and Spencer food hall so I went in there to get things to Lee and I for the weekend as a treat. I got home in good time as the traffic had cleared, so that was good. I had a lie down in the bedroom when I got in, reading my book, and then I went out again to see my other friend Helen. We went to school together and stayed in touch when I left aged sixteen. She came to my wedding in 2005, but we hadn't seen each other since then. So it had been a while! 

We've been in touch on Facebook of course. She was up for a school event on the Saturday - which I declined to go to - so asked if I wanted to get together. We went to Rassam's, which is a dessert place just across the road from the station in Wakefield. I've been to the one in Sheffield but never to the one in Wakefield, and Helen hadn't been to anything like it before. This one now has a robot that delivers food and plays a song, which is mildly terrifying. Helen had a piece of rainbow cake and I had a crepe with milk and white chocolate. It was really nice! It was so good to catch up with Helen, too. 

During the day I was wearing my black acid washed off the shoulder dress from Yours - it's lovely in the summer. I did get changed when I got back but didn't get a photo of it. 

Look at all the traffic I was stuck in! No wonder I turned round

Raspberry lemonade

Smashed avo brunch, it's one of my faves

And fries, which I really like and which I would eat again

Iced latte

Helen and I in the Lounge

My dress and bright pink tights when I got back

And my crepe later on!

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