Sunday, August 18, 2024

The Last Week of June

I'm going to squash the last week of June into one post because it was a busy old week for me but not really anything big enough to warrant its own post. Except for our anniversary, which I've posted about, and Sunday, which I'll post about it in my next post. 

So first of all on Monday, my mum came to craft club with me! I got to a craft club in Penistone every Monday morning and I love it. Sometimes we do projects and this one was a Liberty fabric beaded necklace. My mum fancied doing it too, so we had arranged for her to come too. She picked me up at 9.15 in her soft top Mazda, and since it was sunny we went to Penistone with the roof down! Everyone made her welcome at craft club and we both did our jewellery making. My friend Ann also made me this adorable little crocheted rabbit, so I've started making a cross stitch for her in return. She has also made this little penguin, isn't it so cute?!

After craft club my mum and I went to Holme, which is a newish cafe in the middle of Penistone. I've been before with Sarah and it's really nice. I had chilli avocado and feta on sourdough toast and then a chocolate brownie which was really squidgy and delicious. 

On Tuesday I went to work and on Wednesday it was our wedding anniversary, as I've said. That takes us to Thursday. I had a Covid booster! Someone I follow on Instagram had posted saying that there was a chance to book a booster so I did, and booked it for 11.15am on Thursday in Penistone. I was meeting my friend Jane, from craft club, for lunch on Thursday, so I had plenty of time. I got to Penistone to be told that the pharmacist had had to pop out, so could I come back? I had a while so I went into Holme again and had a coffee while I waited. I went back, got the jab in two seconds, and left. The pharmacist thanked me for going but honestly as long as they're willing to keep giving me boosters, I'll keep taking them!

Jane and I met at Yummy Yorkshire which is a lovely cafe with an ice cream parlour attached. I like the food and generally think it's one of the nicest places in the area, but the service on that day was lacking a bit which was a shame. I had smoked salmon with dill creme fraiche on a waffle, which was unusual but really yummy. As a reminder, I am 99% vegetarian but do occasionally eat fish. There weren't many vegetarian options on the menu that I would have liked, so I was happy to have this. 

After we had eaten this course, Jane and I would have had dessert, but the service was a bit crap and it was taking forever. We had to go up to the bar to get the bill. There's an ice cream counter at the back so we decided to get ice cream from there. The queue wasn't long but there was only one member of staff so it took a while. I went for mint choc chip and a vegan dark chocolate sorbet which was absolutely delicious, I really want to try it again! We sat at a table outside to eat our ice creams, still chatting alll the while, and then went back inside to buy pints of ice cream to take home. Lee was happy about it!

On Saturday, I had plans with Sarah and R. I haven't seen them in ages but we didn't have tons of time. I suggested Cannon Hall so Sarah was there about 10.15. Lee and I had gone up to the shop to get some bits, then went into the cafe to meet Sarah and R. We had brunch - more avocado for me with poached eggs and bits of halloumi. Lee left when we'd eaten because he wanted to go to Doncaster to a record fair. Sarah and R and I walked down by the river a little bit, chatting and that. Then Sarah brought me home before going off for R's swimming lesson! 

Phew! I think that's everything!

Here's my mum and I in her fancy car - sun's out roof's off!

The tiny rabbit that Ann made for me, it's so lovely and now lives on my desk

And the gorgeous little penguin! I can crochet but I'm rubbish at these little 3D models

Smashed avo on sourdough with feta

And my very squidgy brownie

Smoked salmon with a delicious sauce on a waffle

And my lovely ice cream - it was a warm day so melting terribly!

Poached eggs with avocado on toast with little cubes of halloumi

And finally the river at Cannon Hall where you can walk over it. The weather wasn't great but we didn't get wet!

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