Friday, July 5, 2024

My Mum's Birthday Weekend

My mum's birthday this year fell on the Bank Holiday weekend, and my aunt and uncle were visiting her house after their holiday near Whitby (and as it turned out after our outing together to see Bruce Springsteen). She decided to hire a hot tub for the weekend which I didn't even know was something you could do! It wasn'tr a 'big' birthday - she was 66 - but it did mark her officially becoming an OAP so she decided to hire the hot tub. It arrived on the Thursday morning after Bruce while I was still at my mother's house, but of course it wouldn't be warm enough for at least 24 hours.

So for most of Friday I just hung out at home. Then Lee finished work and we packed our stuff and headed to my mum's. We took both our cars because my friend Gemma is borrowing mine for a little bit. We got there about 5.30 and my mum and step cousin N were already in the hot tub. My mum told me to get changed immediately, so I did! 

It was lovely and warm and it had different seats and jets so it was really lovely. It was under the car port so not in the rain when it did rain. We had wine in plastic glasses of course. It was so nice! We got out about 6.30 and ordered some pizzas for tea. After we had eaten the three of us and Lee got back in. We stayed there until late and that was Friday!

On Saturday I had some writing to do so we hung about the house for a while. Lee decided he was going to a festival that day, which was fine, so my mum and stepdad picked me up about 2.30 and took me back to theirs. My aunt and uncle arrived about half an hour later. We went in the hot tub! (This is a recurring theme, obviously...) My stepdad was keeping us well hydrated with wine and drinks. We got out for a bit and had pies and dauphinois potatoes for tea. Lee had made the potatoes for us so we made sure to keep some for him for the next day. My mum and I went back into the hot tub and then I had a shower at about 9pm. We went to bed quite early but I read for a bit and messaged Lee, who was still at the gig, before going to sleep.

On Sunday morning my mum, stepdad, aunt and uncle all went to church, so I was by myself in the house. I stayed in the little spare bedroom, which used to be Lee's bedroom when he lived with me and my parents when I was at sixth form! It's a cute cosy bedroom. I had some breakfast and then got ready, just about the time everyone got home and Lee arrived. 

We had some lunch and then my mum, Caroline and I did some crafting. I had recently found some tiny tags and asked Caroline if she would decorate them with me, and she said yes, and we gave some to my mum. It was a nice hour or so of using some of my lovely supplies! 

Then hot tub time! About 4.30 my stepdad started the charcoals for a barbecue so about 5.30 we got out and I got dressed again so I could eat. My mum and I shared some pornstar martini that my step cousin had sent her; it was delicious. The barbecue was lovely too - I had veggie sausages and halloumi kebabs which were both really good. I love barbecues. Plus there was lots of salads and onions and stuff. My mum opened her birthday cards and presents - we had given her cash for a watch she really liked. 

After tea my mum and I got back in the hot tub and Lee, Neil and Caroline went for a quick walk. We got out about 9pm and I got dressed again and then we played a game until late! I was glad to get home but it had been such a lovely time with my family.

Here's my mum and N and me on Friday evening

My mum's birthday cake which she picked up on Saturday morning before fetching me

Here she is cutting it later that evening; you can't exactly see here but she's wearing a cardigan over her swimming costume and nothing else haha

A robin on the grass!

Here I am lying in what used to be Lee's bedroom in my mum's house. It's a cosy bed, it was warm though so I slept with the window open which was lovely because I can't do that at home as it's too loud

Sunday morning being a rebel and eating Shreddies out of a Frosties bowl

Here's some of my craft supplies for us to use

And here's one of the tags I made

My mum and her sister in the hot tub

The four of us - Lee didn't get in fully, he just sat on the side with his feet in as it's too hot for him

My mother and I with our martinis

I got this t shirt at the Bruce gig, I love it!

And here's the two of us about 8pm on Sunday evening when it was just the two of us!

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