Sunday, March 31, 2024

Trip to Edinburgh - Day 5

I got up and out earlier on the Tuesday than I had previously, and was on a tram by 10.30. It was quite busy but thankfully I got a seat after a couple of stops, and then got off at Princes Street. When we went to Edinburgh last year we walked up a lot of Prince Street so I didn't bother doing that again. Instead I walked up The Mound towards the Royal Mile. It's quite a steep walk for me but fortunately there's a bench halfway up The Mound so I stopped there for a few minutes but actually it wasn't too bad. Then I walked up Lawnmarket and up most of the Royal Mile where I watched a bagpiper for a little bit. I walked up all the way to the castle. I didn't go in but I did take photos of the views, which were lovely. I again sat down for a little bit (I was really glad it wasn't raining!) and enjoyed all the hundreds of tourists from all over the world who were also at the castle. 

Then I started back down the Royal Mile and went in some of the tourist shops. My mum wanted me to take her some tablet, which she loves, so I bought some of that and some chocolate for Lee. I was incredibly tempted by a Harris tweed bag but didn't indulge... I might buy one on Vinted soon though! I went into a huge whisky shop and looked at whisky that cost £125000! There was one at £20,000 too! Can you imagine! My stepdad really likes whisky so I bought him a mini bottle of twelve year old Loch Lomond for £10 which he drank later in the week and really enjoyed.

Then I was trying to find a restaurant I had had recommended, and it was in the middle of two "closes" - the narrow alleyways that run between buildings and often open out behind and which are found a lot in Scotland so I walked down one on to Cockburn Street, and then the map assured me that the restaurant was up the next close - which was all steps because it moved between two parts of the hill. I walked halfway up, laughing with a lady as I did so... and then the restaurant wasn't there! Boo! I walked up 118 steps in total to get back on to the Royal Mile. I didn't count them but a small child near me did so I can be sure of it!

I was then a bit unsure as to what to do for lunch. It was past 12 by this point and I hadn't had anything to eat. So I walked past St Giles cathedral which I also went into last year, and then settled on an Indian Street Food restaurant. I ordered food and had to wait for ages; other people did too and weren't too happy about it. I had my book so I just read that and drank my bellini. My food was delicious when it came - I had basically three slightly different dishes of chickpeas and yoghurt, and they were all great. 

I went in a couple more shops but walked back down to St Andrew's Square where I waited for a tram for just a few minutes. Then I got off near Lucinda's and went into a coffee shop there and had a latte and an Oreo brownie. I was reading my book again. I went into a charity shop before I went back to hers and relaxed again before she got home. Her partner Linden made pancakes for tea because it was Shrove Tuesday. We had savoury ones with garlic, mushroom, spinach and cheese, and then sweet ones, some with banana and chocolate and some with lemon and sugar. They were delicious! 

I was wearing my apothecary stretchy dress which was perfect for wandering around in as I was warm enough with that on and my coat, but no cardigan. 

This is such a typical Edinburgh crescent; it was just round the corner from Lucinda's house and was so pretty. Each time I walked past it I was happy

Walking up The Mound

Looking up towards the castle when I got to the top

Looking down from around Market Street I think

Looking up the Royal Mile; I didn't know at this point that I was going to walk up all the way to the castle! I did thousands and thousands of steps on Tuesday, including the literal 118 steps. I did pay for it on Wednesday, but I think it was worth it

I absolutely love all these little closes near the Royal Mile. A lot of them had information about famous inhabitants. This one was just very cute

Looking up to near where the bagpiper was

See, this close had some information in it which I liked

I loved the peeks at what was at the other end. These things are so medieval! Imagine swishing down one of these in a fancy frock!

The castle! 

View from one side of the castle, down the way I had just walked

And views from the other side, where apparently all the coaches park!

Another view going back down

Here's sime very expensive whisky

And this wall of labels, which I loved

More information featuring Samuel Johnson!

That plaque was next to this little close 

How gorgeous are these buildings?

This is the close I walked down, which didn't have too many steps in it

Cockburn Street, which also had a lot of nice restaurants and cafes on it

And here I am in the middle of the 118 steps

See, look at all the ones behind me...!

But I made it, and then I had a bellini

And lots of chickpeas, tamarind, and yoghurt! Delicious!

Looking up another close off Cockburn Street when I made it back down that way again after lunch 

The monument in St Andrew's Square as I waited for the tram

Latte! I really needed the loo by now so I was glad the cafe had one!

And my delicious brownie

And here's the other half of the crescent as I was walking back, several hours later

Finally here's my apothecary dress before I got changed in my pyjamas to hang out!

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