Thursday, March 11, 2021

What I Wore February 13th

Lee and I had some errands to run on the 13th of February so I got properly dressed for the first time in forever and put this new dress on. My friend Lucinda bought me it for my birthday. It has PANGOLINS on it! Who doesn't love a pangolin?????? I'm sorry you can't see the pattern too clearly in the photo, but believe me - they're pangolins.

When I opened the dress I was like oooh, pangolins, but also wasn't sure if the dress would fit me. The material isn't overly stretchy and I just wasn't sure. I tried it on soon after my birthday and was pleasantly surprised. It is long enough and it does fit around my hips/stomach. It has lovely deep pockets which is unusual but obviously great. I do feel like it shows off my stomach more than I would like it to, but I decided two things. Firstly: it's probably only me that can tell/that sees what I see/that thinks it looks a bit weird. Secondly: I've decided to just say fuck it and wear it anyway. Fake it till you make it! Plus, I think the material might stretch a little as it is worn and washed.

I love the blueish colour of the dress and the grey colour of the pangolins. I like the brownish bit around the waist which I think suits me. Lucinda was happy to find a clothing brand that was so size inclusive. I need to find the name of it to link to!

Edit: It's Svaha Clothing! 

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