Tuesday, September 3, 2024

Barnsley Pride and A Surprise

The thirteenth of July was Barnsley Pride and I really wanted to go! I've never been to a Pride event before so I thought it was about time I sorted that out. I knew it would be a smallish event which is perfect for me as I don't like crowds too much. Lee agreed to go too, so we got up on on Saturday and headed into town about 11am. I also knew there was a Young Makers Market on in the market and I wanted to look at that first. 

I bought some wax melts and we bought some goodies from the market too. In the main square of the Glassworks there was a brass band thing going on all day, so we listened to a band called Frumptarn for a little bit. Then we headed to Mandela Gardens where Pride was just getting started! The first act was a choir and they were brilliant, we really liked them. We walked round the stalls but didn't get anything straight away.

Disappointingly the only food van there was only doing meat burgers so not suitable for either of us, so Lee went to the fish and chip shop nearby and we shared chips sitting on a bench on the Gardens watching the show and watching people coming past. There were so many people with all kinds of flags and badges, and a bunch of families, and it was really nice to see, honestly. There were people giving out free hugs and we both got one! After we'd eaten we headed inside to the Civic. In the main room there was an acoustic stage and someone making quite a nice racket, and there were more stalls but not tons. It was nice though.

We went back outside and got ice creams from the van. I was wearing one of my rainbow dresses and a few people asked me about it. It was from Topsy Curvy so I was pleased to tell people about it! The weather wasn't great and it kept trying to rain a little bit but it wasn't too bad. We watched someone play saxophone for ages, they weren't amazing but it was quite fun.

About 2.30 we went into the Garrison pub which is when I saw the sign below that says "All Tarn Aren't We?" Tarn means 'town' and people use it to mean Barnsley so it's saying we're all the same community, which I like. In there it was busy and there was an Abba tribute duo on who weren't great. So we decided to go to the Lounge back in the main square for a drink. But it was a fun Pride and I am so glad to have been among my community. 

Lee had an Oreo milkshake and I had a Betty Blue which had blue Curacao and vodka with orange juice. It was really nice! We left there about 3.30pm and went back through the market for a couple more bits that we wanted. 

And then... we got home... and got a surprise. Our house is a strange set up and there is another row of houses near us, and we had met this family before who lived in one of the houses of the other row. Our cats are allowed outside the back of our house, with supervision, and this family had seen them. They had got a kitten and talked to us about her. However, when we got home, they were about to leave. They had been evicted and they couldn't take the kitten to their new house. So they asked us to take her, hoping we would know someone who would take her. We took her and they left, and all of a sudden we had a six month old kitten to look after even if it was only temporarily. 

Lee went to the supermarket to get supplies for her, and then we sat in our bedroom with her, keeping our two away from her. We asked a few people if they knew anyone who would take her, but we didn't have much look. But surely we couldn't keep her, could we? We kind of wanted to, but we just weren't sure... 

As it stands, it's the day after, and she's still in our bedroom. She's happy and she seems healthy. We're going to take her to the vet tomorrow and see what they say. We are hoping that our two will get on with her and that she can live with us! But we will see! But for now, we're calling her Kiki. It's crackers because I really wasn't expecting it at all and I don't know yet if she's staying... but I hope she is. She's a cute little thing. 

So many rainbows around in Pride!

Including this one hanging off the side of the Civic

Lee and I 

We really liked these signs that were around 

And this one too

This was inside in the space that is usually the Civic's auditorium

Ice cream with two types of syrup!

Looking towards the main stage outside

And towards the stalls

I was wearing my Pride Converse that I got on Vinted, of course, as well as this starry pair of tights from Snag. They're a bit knackered now but I love them so much

All tarn aren't we?

My Betty Blue in the Lounge

Rainbow tartan dress from Topsy Curvy, plus a rainbow necklace

And here's tiny kitten! She needs to grow into her ears!

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