Sunday, September 15, 2024

Family Trip to Norfolk - Day 4

On the Monday of our holiday our parents all went home! I am so glad that the five cousins and the baby decided to stay though because it was lovely for us all to spend time together. In the morning we had everyone over for breakfast at our caravan and we cooked fried egg and bacon or facon sandwiches for everyone. It was lovely! My mum and stepdad left at about 11 o'clock and my aunt and uncle about an hour later. We got a photo of all of us before anyone left although I don't have it downloaded. 

After the parents had left we went down to the amusements again. We got ice creams and T had some - he hasn't had ice cream before! - and he liked it. We played in the amusements and then they all headed back to the caravan for T to nap. So Lee and I decided to go into Hunstanton town a little bit and have a look around. It was aboslutely boiling!

We parked on the street and went into a charity shop where Lee spied an SAD lamp for me! I use mine year round because I like the bright light. My old one was smashed in the front so it had been limping on for a while, but then a couple of weeks before our holiday half of the bulb went so I needed a new one. They're the best part of £100 though so we had been putting it off. But then this one was in the charity shop for £10! It was almost exactly the same model as the one I had before so I knew it was perfect! I don't care if it only lasts a few months because it was such a bargain! 

As it was so warm we decided to get a drink in a bar with a terrace overlooking the sea, which was absolutely gorgeous. I had a San Miguel - I'm developing quite a taste for it when the weather is hot! We then headed back to the caravan and at 4pm we all went swimming. T loved it - he's so good at splashing and generally likes the water! 

When we got out and showered I sat on the decking for a bit and just enjoyed the sunshine. I was trying very hard to be in the moment and enjoy myself. For tea we had leftovers from the previous days as there were loads, and we played a daft game Peter had brought and did some quizzes. When we went to bed I was so hot and I laid on the bed in the dark, and I could see the Big Dipper! It was pretty cool! 

Here's T wandering outside our bedroom with the milk. Like you do

And here he is a bit later as we got ice creams in the funfair

I had a flake and sprinkles!

Here's T eating his mum's ice cream

Looking down on to the sea from one of the streets in Hunstanton

My ice cold drink

Much later one when I was enjoying some time on the deck

With the window wide open about 10.30pm

And there, can you see the Big Dipper?

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