Thursday, September 26, 2024

Sunday 11th August

The day after the Alternative Makers Fair was a perfectly normal day, until it wasn't. I've been putting off writing this post because I know it will be painful, but I need to just get it done so I can write the later things too. 

Tukru's bus home was at just before eleven so we all set out early to Meadowhall. I had arranged to meet a friend for lunch but they had to cancel, so Lee and I just went to Meadowhall for a look around and some lunch. It was close to Lee's birthday so we got a couple of presents for him, and we had lunch in Las Iguanas which was Lee's choice but I like it anyway so I didn't mind. I had a peach beach iced tea which was delicious, and a halloumi burger with sweet potato fries. 

We picked up a few things and headed home about 2.30pm. I was wearing one of my flamingo skirts and a pink top that I really like at the moment. Our cat Jasmine went outside when we got home, under supervision for few minutes, and then she came back in. She had some food and sat with Lee. I was upstairs watching TV and I went downstairs at about 5.30 to have some tea and to watch TV with Lee. However, Jasmine was unresponsive on the kitchen floor. We rushed her to an emergency vet but it was too late. She had died. The vet thought it was probably either a heart attack or a clot on her lungs or something. We could have paid for a post mortem but decided not to. 

We got back to our house just after 7pm, obviously really upset and shocked. Jasmine was one of the sweetest, most affectionate cats ever. We had had her four years since she was a kitten - so she was only young still - and we loved her so very much. We're both okay, but very shocked and sad. My mum and stepdad had come over to ours and were sympathetic to us. I miss her so much already! She seemed absolutely fine when we got home, so we hope it was just very sudden and painless for her. 

We will definitely get another black cat in the future because they are just perfect. We're really glad that we decided to keep Kiki when she got landed on us just four weeks before Jazzy died, because we still have two kittos to play with. We got Jasmine's ashes back so they're on the mantelpiece next to Ivy's alongside her paw print and some of her fur. She was a gorgeous little thing and she will be so missed. 

Peach beach cocktail - I actually had two because they were on offer

Halloumi burger with chilli jam and other stuff - it's yummy

Flamingo skirt and pink top

And here's Jasmine in July sometime, when she was lying in bed with me being cuddled, which she liked to do

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