Thursday, August 20, 2020

The Vegan Kind Subscription Box Review

I saw a code for a discount on a subscription box from The Vegan Kind back in April so I thought I'd give it a go. I've bought things from the Vegan Kind supermarket before, and been impressed with their service, so I had high hopes. In my first box I also ordered a bamboo toothbrush. I know that plastic toothbrushes are bad environmentally so I had been wanting to try something else. I haven't tried it yet, we've had other toothbrushes to use up!

The box itself that I chose is the Lifestyle box, meaning that it's not just food - each box has something else in it like a vegan beauty product or something. I find that really nice, it elevates the box a little more I think. They also have dedicated beauty boxes but I haven't tried one of those.

I'm really impressed with the calibre of the vegan snacks on offer in the boxes. Some of the products are brands I've heard of, and some of them aren't. It's been nice to try new things. I've enjoyed a lot of the snacks. Some that I knew I wouldn't like, like the chocolate hazelnut bar, I've sent on to other people.

My friend Amy got a couple of boxes too. She is vegan, and she enjoyed the boxes she got. I'm not vegan, I'm vegetarian and have been for the last eighteen months, but I like to eat vegan a lot, and vegan snacks are ideal. I'm impressed with the boxes for the cost, so I've kept the subscription going and will for a few months yet I think. Due to lockdown I've been in far fewer shops as Lee's been doing the grocery shopping, I've missed being able to choose things for myself, so receiving a box like this is lovely currently.

This is not an ad, I wasn't paid for this post or anything, I just liked the box and wanted to share it. You can still get £5 off your first box on the website here.

April's box. That bar on the top left is a vegan creme egg bar! Amy said the chocolate milk needs to be drunk very cold. The lifestyle items is cocoa butter soap and it smells DIVINE

May's box. I haven't used the tofu yet but I might make something crispy. The lifestyle product is a deodorant. I have sensitive skin so I'm looking forward to using this

June's box. Each one arrives quickly after dispatch. I wonder if Lee likes granola because I'm sure I don't! This month's lifestyle product is a soap - Lee and I prefer solid soap over liquid ones, so this is perfect

July's box was my favourite so far! The lifestyle product is an alcohol hand sanitiser! Really useful for using currently, I'll chuck this in my handbag to use when on the go. I'm really looking forward to the hummus!

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