Saturday, May 18, 2024

Day Out in Nottingham

On the thirteenth of April Lee and I went to Nottingham to meet up with my cousin Rob, his wife Beth, and their baby. We had planned to meet up around Easter and it was only a couple of weeks later. They live in Leicester so Nottingham is kind of in the middle, so ideal for all of us. Beth and I looked around for somewhere to eat and decided on Fat Hippo. I've never been to one before but I've heard it's pretty good and I know that they have good veggie and vegan options.

Lee and I set off about 10.45 and reached Nottingham city centre around noon. However, we couldn't get to the car park we wanted so we ended up parking in the bus station and then had to walk a long way to get to Fat Hippo. However, it was mostly okay, we took it slowly and got to the restaurant at about 12.25. Our table was ready but Rob and Beth were running a bit behind. It didn't matter, we had plenty of time! They arrived and we ordered not long after.

I went for the Harlem Fake burger which was a vegan chicken burger with pickles, cheese, all kinds of good stuff in it, and the vegan dirty tater tots which have vegan cheese and fakon bits on. I love tater tots so was really happy with them! I had some good cuddles with baby T and he has also learnt to clap which is very clever and we were all suitably impressed.

After lunch we went next door into Rough Trade records. I didn't get anything but Lee did. Then we walked to the Victoria Centre, via Boots, and in there we decided to have some dessert from a crepe and shake place. I had a crepe with chocolate sauce and Crunchie, it turns out hot Crunchie is quite weird. Lee had an Oreo milkshake. Beth had a waffle stick and Rob had an ice cream. We just sat in the middle area of the centre to eat it. 

After that we said goodbye to Rob and Beth and went into some other shops on the way back to the car, including a charity shop, Lush, and Waterstones. I did buy shower gel and conditioner but did not buy any books in Waterstones! Then just before we got back to the car park we decided to go in All Bar One for a drink. By this time it was about 5pm. I had a peach spritz which was lovely. Lee had an orange juice. We then walked back to the car for just before 6pm. It took us ages to get out of Nottingham though - the football had been on so there was a lot of traffic. But it was fine! We got home just after 7pm and we both lay down for a bit because we were tired! 

As you can see I was wearing the orange Joe Browns dress that I got a few weeks previously to this, and green tights. I also put my sparkly Converse on which are actually really comfortable to wear and walk around in which is good. The green tights are from Better Tights and I don't love them as much as my Snag tights, but they are still good and I like the colour, so I will keep wearing them. 

Here's many pictures:

My sparkly Converse and tights before we set off. These Converse seem much more relaxed than some - I don't know if it's the fabric they're made from or what

This cute elephant was in an alleyway, I'm not sure why exactly but I liked it

There were several rainbow crossings on the street that Fat Hippo was on, which were cute. The Nottingham centre for transgender health is on the same street. Lee took this photo. My hoodie is from Yours originally but I got it from Vinted for not much. I like the colour of it

See, you can see a couple of them in this photo I took

Here's me and baby, he is such a cute little dot

Showing off his clapping skills

My immense burger. I did manage to pick it up to eat it, but Lord

And tater tots!

I loved this on the end of Broad Street

My crepe in the shopping centre

Here we all are - T was asleep by this point bless him. You can see my dress here but I blogged it not too long ago

Inside the Exchange building. We went into the Dr Martens shop but we didn't buy anything

Here we are in All Bar One

And here's my spritz!

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