Saturday, May 25, 2024

Lunch with a Friend and Cinema with Lee

On the 19th of April I had a busy day. I first of all went to the White Rose Centre to meet up with my friend Charlotte and her baby. Actually our mums are friends and it's forever since we hung out, but it was Charlotte's grandma's funeral I had been to the week before and as Charlotte is currently on maternity leave I thought she might appreciate meeting up with someone during the week. I know a lot of my friends have been lonely during maternity leave and as I usually have some free time in the week I can meet up. So I messaged Charlotte and she readily agreed to meet up which was lovely! Her baby was about fourteen weeks old and absolutely precious - such a squidge!

I went to the White Rose a bit early and on my way there the car flipped over to 27,000 miles so I stopped to take a picture of it since it's the first major milestone in the few weeks we've had it. It hasn't done many miles for its age which is good! Maybe it was a lockdown casualty and just didn't get driven very much. I parked at the White Rose and went in, and got a chai latte from a little stall in the food area. I had my book with me so I sat reading that for a bit. I then waited for Charlotte but she was running a bit late so I popped downstairs to The Works to have a nose around. I ended up buying two books and a craft kit, so it was well spent! When I went back up Charlotte arrived not soon after.

Most of the restaurants in the White Rose are ones I like and which I know have decent veggie options, so I let Charlotte choose. She suggested the Lounge, which was fine by me. They're a chain and we have one in Barnsley and I like their vegetarian choices. We went in and got seated - they were really good with the pram and accessibility which was good. I usually get the big veggie breakfast when I go to the Lounge but I wasn't too hungry, so I decided to have the Miami brunch instead. 

It was like a mole of kidney beans and corn in a spicy sauce, with poached eggs, avocado salsa, sweetcorn fritters, and feta and coriander sprinkled over. It was delicious! I'm really glad I got it. 

I also had a pink lemonade. We sat for a bit longer and ordered pudding - I had warm chocolate brownie with ice cream. Charlotte's arrived just as the baby was eating, so I ate mine and once he was finished I took the baby and he fell asleep because he was full of milk! He was very happy in my arms and he is extremely cute; I was really glad to see them both! 

We said goodbye about 3pm and I drove home and got changed into my pyjamas for a bit and did some crafting before getting dressed again and heading out with Lee. He wanted to see the new Ghostbusters film, so we had decided to go to the new Cineworld in Barnsley. It hasn't been open very long. We went into Nando's first so that Lee could have some food, and I had a glass of wine. We headed over to the cinema and into our screen. I really enjoyed the film, but I liked the last one in this too, I like the kids and I like Paul Rudd. It is a lot of fun!

It finished about 10pm so we just drove home and got into bed! I was wearing this really bright dress from Yours again that I got from Debz. I like the oversized look to it - it ends up really comfy on me and I love the bright colour, too 

Showing the car had gone over to 27,000 miles

Pink lemonade - I have had this before and it's really nice

Miami brunch. This is something I would definitely eat again!

Brownie and ice cream

My dress and cardigan when we got home

And here's what we saw!

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