Thursday, May 30, 2024

Trip to Lincolnshire - Day 2

We hadn't planned anything for the Saturday of our little break, although we had talked about a few things. I had also looked up how far of a drive it was to Skegness, and it was only about fifty minutes away, so we decided we would go to the seaside. We all love the seaside! So we got up early and set off about 10am and got to Skegness just before 11. We parked by the pleasure beach and walked through to it. There is an upside down house which was really fun, we took lots of photos as you can see. Then we went into the It's A Small World After All ride which was clearly in no way affiliated with Disney, it was hilarious.

We walked into the funfair and got ice creams - I had a screwball with rapsberry sauce which is one of my faves and which was delicious. We looked at the amusements then walked down on to the beach. It was drizzling a bit but still lovely to be standing on the sand. We also sat in a shelter on the prom for a little bit while it did rain, which was still fine and lovely. I feel like I really needed to blow the cobwebs away! 

We went back into the funfair and went on the big wheel. I love ferris wheels so it was really fun. Then we went into the local 'tavern' which was by far the stickiest place I have ever set foot. We had decided on fish and chips for lunch though which was exactly what this did, so it was fine! I am vegetarian 99% of the time but do occasionally eat fish, and I really enjoyed it. Then we went and played on the 2p machines and Sam and I also did bowling. By this time it was about 2pm I think, so we decided to drive down to Gibraltar Point. We bought some donuts on the way out and drove down, but the point was less than overwhelming so we just sat in the car for a little bit eating the donuts. Then we drove back to the caravan!

We got back about 3.30pm I reckon and then we got into the hot tub. We again made a dubious cocktail of alcohol and lemonade, and drank that while sitting in the tub. The weather was a bit nicer than it had been the day before, which was nice. We got out about 6pm and had some tea - I had just got some snacks and dips and stuff for us all. We drank some wine. About 7pm Jac and I got back into the hot tub - Sam had got changed so she didn't want to, but I just stayed in my swimming costume and put a towel under my seat while we were eating tea. We had more wine and we rigged up a speaker and lights to come out of Jacqui's bedroom window. We had made a special playlist of all the stuff we used to listen to in 2009 so it was a total blast from the past and totally fun. 

We finally got out of the hot tub about 9pm and I had a shower and put my pyjamas on. We stayed up until about 10 o'clock as we were all tired. I read my book for a bit before turning out the light! 

There are a zillion photos, sorry!

A desire path from the car park to the pleasure beach

Downstairs in the upside down house

It was all skewiff too which made it really disorientating

Jacqui in the bathroom

Me in the loo

It was really well done!

The bedroom upstairs, I should have turned some of these photos but just didn't

The dining table


The front door

Jac and I as on the terrible not-Disney ride, haha 

The upside down house

Me and my ice cream! Look how joyful it is!

I love blue sauce haha

The pier from the beach

Lots of beach. We did walk nearly all the way to the water, it was over a dune

Jac and I 

All three of us, I love this photo

The end of the pier. This stretch of sea has a lot of wind turbines! Which I'm here for!

Looking the other way from the top of the dune nearer the water

Looking at the big wheel from the beach before we walked back to it

And looking up at it just before we got on it

The three of us on the wheel - Sam didn't know I was taking the photo though hence her face haha

Looking into the mechanics of the wheel

Looking out across the beach

Fish and chips!

And donuts down at Gibraltar Point, which I don't think I took any photos of

The dubious cocktail we mixed up - it was delicious though

I had taken a bunch of glow sticks for us which I found recently. There were tons, they were left over from years and years ago. And THIS was the only one that actually worked. We cracked every single one of them but only one was still working, boo

The hot tub itself - it was nicely sunk into the deck and was easy enough to get into for me. When Jac and I went back in, Sam sat near us to chat

We had problems getting into this bottle of wine, it took all three of us and a towel haha

Finally here I am living my best bitch life in a hot tub with a glass of prosecco and deely boppers

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