Wednesday, May 22, 2024

Tea and Cinema with Sam and Jodie

On the 17th of April I went to Huddersfield to meet up with Sam and Jodie for tea and to go to the cinema. Jodie was supposed to be meeting up with a different friend but they cancelled so she came along with us, which was of course fine. I headed to Huddersfield at about 3.30 and parked quite near to TJ Thai where we had arranged to eat at 4.30. I have been before, but absolutely forever ago, but I like Thai food so suggested we went there. 

I went for vegetable tempura and veg and tofu pad cashewnut. I probably would have had sushi but I had had sushi for lunch (just a pack from the supermarket) and we were also in somewhat of a rush so I wasn't sure if it would take too long as it said it was prepared fresh. But I really enjoyed what I did have, it was delicious.

We quickly drove down to the cinema and parked, and got in just as the trailers were on. We had gone to see the new Amy Winehouse biopic, Back to Black. I wanted to see it and I'm glad I have, but I wouldn't rush to see it again and I didn't think it was brilliant. 

It's weird to see events depicted on screen when you clearly remember them happening almost twenty years ago. It feels like not enough time has passed, but then I know there were films that I liked in the mid to late nineties which depicted the seventies. Maybe my mum felt the same way I did about those, given that she had grown up in the seventies? I found this happened too when I watched the last series of the Crown and watched William go to uni and meet Kate, which was the exact time that I was at university myself. In fact my friend Ailsa was at St Andrews at the same time William was and once sat an exam in the same hall as him! I find it odd.

I also think this is a really sanitised version of Amy's life, even though it does have its gritty points. I believe Mitch Winehouse has had some input into it and I think it shows him as always benevolent and never in opposition to Amy, which I just don't believe was true. 

It got me thinking about sad girls, too, and how they (we) are just never allowed to be sad girls. Amy and I were the same age and school year (she would have been forty last September and I turned forty in January) so I've always just been extremely saddened about her death. I'm thinking about Britney and other young women like her who have just been scrutinised their entire lives. I'm sad Amy is no longer with us. 

So, I saw it, and I have thoughts. It finished about 8pm and I drove home. Lee was about to get in the bath so I sat in bed eating biscuits and watching Friends while he did that! 

Vegetable tempura

Pad cashewnut - I love cashews! This was nicely spicy which I appreciate too

Took this outside the cinema at about 8pm when we were leaving - which shows me that it was still light at that time!

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