Monday, May 27, 2024

Trip to Lincolnshire - Day 1

At the end of April Sam and Jac and I went away for the weekend together to Lincolnshire. We were all free so we had decided to do something and I found a static caravan on Tattershall Lakes near Lincoln. It had a hot tub on the deck so it seemed like it would be really nice and relaxing. I had been quite depressed for the whole month and really needed to get away and reset myself a bit. So we had booked it and I did a Tesco shop which got delivered to mine on the Thursday evening. Lee and I then made a vegetarian lasagne ready for me to take on Friday.

Sam finished work at 1pm and got the train to mine, and then we set off south. As I often go to Lincoln Zine Fest, I know the drive isn't too bad and I actually think driving our new car is easier on my body than the old one which is great. We picked Jacqui up in Metheringham at about 3.30 and made our way to Tattershall Lake. I don't know if you've been, but it's absolutely huge. The instructions were good so we managed to get there. The caravan was cute, similar to ones I've been to before. It had three bedrooms so one each. We got unpacked and then we went in the hot tub!

It wasn't quite up to temperature but it was still lovely and hot. We got some alcohol to drink outside in plastic glasses, and sat there for a couple of hours. It was lovely! It drizzled a bit on us but it wasn't too cold. Once we had finished it was about 7pm I think, so we then got changed. I had a nice hot shower while Sam put the lasagne in the oven. It took longer than we thought so it was about 8pm I think by the time we ate it. It was delicious though!

We had some more drinks and some dessert, and sat chatting and playing Heads Up. Usually when we're together we watch rubbish telly but we actually didn't turn the TV on at all! We finally went to bed after midnight but we had giggled so much and got caught up on each other's lives. 

I was wearing this Asos dress that my mum altered for me. I've had it absolutely years but haven't worn it in forever. I love it still though, and will have to try and remember to wear it more! I had a white t-shirt on underneath.

My swimming costume is new. I recently ordered a bunch of costumes from Simply Be and Crazy Clearance and they ended up all fitting me so I had to make some decisions about which to keep! This one is red, which I love, and has a lovely fit over my bum and stomach, which isn't always the case. It's got a clip at the back of the neck and then the back is all exposed, which is nice too. I'll get a lovely tan when I wear it abroad! 

My Asos dress - originally the checks were on the inside, and the outside is striped. But I liked the checks so my mum turned the skirt inside out for me. I was also wearing teal Snag tights and socks because it was freezing

My cute little bedroom

In my swimming costume ready to get in the hot tub. I had my hair cut and the curls are out of control!

The caravan - it was really nice inside, and clearly well cared for

The hot tub - this is Jac's photo and it might have been from Saturday instead of Friday, but I'll post it here because it shows the hot tub

Sam with one of our jugs of cocktails - we mixed up a lot of random crap but it tasted nice. This photo might be from Saturday, too 

Here we all are, sitting the the hot tub having a bloody lovely time

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