Sunday, June 2, 2024

Trip to Lincolnshire - Day 3

On the Sunday of our trip we just had to come home! We only had a couple of nights away but it was so lovely. I've been really struggling with my mental health so it felt really nice to be away with my friends. I really felt like I reset myself a little bit and it was really good for me. We had decided to have brunch together before we had to say goodbye, so I had booked a table at the Leagate Inn which wasn't far away from where we were staying. 

We left the caravan clean and tidy by about 9.45 and got to Leagate Inn about 10am. We were slightly early for our table but it wasn't busy so we were able to sit down anyway. The brunch menu was amazing, it had so many delicious things on it and lots of vegetarian options. I went for the poached eggs and avocado on focaccia with feta and pumpkin seeds, and I added some halloumi bites. It was all really yummy and I would eat it again right now! I also had two cups of coffee which were delicious too. 

When we finished we drove to Lincoln where we dropped Jac off at the train station. Then Sam and I drove back to my village; the sat nav said we would get there about 1.10 and the train goes just after that, so it was tight! But we managed to make it so she hopped out of the car and on to the train. I got home just a few minutes later. I laid in bed for a bit because I was really tired! And glad to be home, but it was a really funy weekend. 

On Sunday I was wearing this leopard print dress from Topsy Curvy, I bought it off Chloe and I love it, it's just so colourful. I just had leggings on underneath. 

My delicious brunch - I often have avocado on sourdough but I should try it with focaccia at home for sure

Halloumi bites which added delicious saltiness

Here all three of us are - although I'm barely in it but it was hard to get us all in the photo!

My delightful neon leopard print dress

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