Saturday, June 29, 2024

Lunch in Derbyshire with Lee and Philippa

So you may remember that last year I did a list of 'forty before forty' things that I wanted to do before I turned forty in January. I did not do brilliantly, but I enjoyed the things I did do. So I decided to make a list of things I wanted to do before I turn forty one next January. I chose forty one things to do! And one of those things was to go to Derbyshire to a country pub with Lee and Philippa for lunch. They were both up for it so I booked a table at the Cheshire Cheese Inn which is in Hope. It's a part of the world that I really love; it's so beautiful and we've camped close by and visited Castleton too. I've never been to this pub, though, and I liked the look of the menu so I chose it. 

Lee and I were tired after our long day in Newcastle - I fell asleep about 11.15 which is really unusual for me - so we were glad to not be up too early. We lounged about and then tidied up the bedroom a bit before we both got in the shower. We set off just before midday. I drove because Lee was so tired and said he would drive back. It took us about an hour to get there and it is such a beautiful drive. We went in. The pub is really small and we were put on the table right in front of the bar which was a bit annoying because it meant everyone had to pass us. I should have asked to move but some of the tables were down steep steps and and Philippa is disabled I didn't know if she would mind. The staff were a bit odd too - the landlord wass very grumpy and not very welcoming.

But! Pippa arrived and we ordered food and drinks. She and I both went for the vegetarian Sunday dinner and Lee got the turkey one. Mine was so nice! There was a nut roast with goats cheese, Yorkshire pudding, stuffing, roast potatoes, carrots, green beans, and cauliflower cheese. It was all well cooked and clearly homemade. 

We were chatting so it didn't really matter, but the staff took ages to come and take our dessert orders. Lee and I both went for warm chocolate fudge cake with ice cream and Philippa went for crumble. They were really nice desserts. I will say that the food was lovely but the atmosphere just left a bit to be desired for me. 

We finally left at about 3.45. It was another nice drive home. It was finally sunny and lovely to be travelling in the sunshine. When we got home the cats insisted on going out the back for a while. They're allowed out the back and the front but only with supervision. I sat for a bit with them before getting changed. I was wearing this Joe Browns dress that I've had forever but hadn't worn in a really long time. Because I have lost weight it is a little too big for me now, and I also no longer have a white cardigan to wear with it. So I decided to wear a white top underneath it and I think it works well. I love the pattern on the dress so I will try and wear it more this year!

My dinner before I added the vegetables

Lovely warm chocolate fudge cake

I took this photo of all of us just as we were leaving. Look at that sky! The pub has a lot of character too

Cats outside investigating insects and chewing weeds

Lee used to be able to pick them up in one hand but look how big they are now! So big!

Here's my dress and top

Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Writing Conference in Newcastle

On the 18th of May I went to a writing conference in Newcastle. It was organised by New Writing North and I saw it advertised but wasn't too bothered about it, but then I saw my soon to be sister in law Libby was going, so I thought I would go and that it would be nice to spend the day with her. I asked Lee to take me so he could spend the day with his brother Andrew, Libby's fiance. And then we arranged to meet up for tea with our friend Lianne. She's married to Lee's friend Paul, but Paul was going to an all day festival so couldn't meet up, but we of course wanted to see Lianne anyway!

Lee and I set off from our house at just after 8am. He had been unwell with a cold and I hadn't slept well, but we managed to get up and off in not too bad of a time. The conference started at 10am and I made it just a few minutes before. I went in and met Libby and we got signed in and headed upstairs for the first panel.

It was Janice Hallett talking about her writing life and it was really interesting! I've read everything she's published and find her a really interesting writer. She was a scriptwriter and I think it shows in her novels. I got her to sign a copy of The Christmas Appeal afterwards, which I've read and enjoyed. I didn't get to speak to her for long but it was nice to meet her.

Each attendee had signed up for three different talks or workshops during the day, and for the first one Libby and I were doing the same one. It was about being resilient as a writer and it was really funny. After that there was a coffee break (but sadly no decaf coffee, which is annoying!) and then another thing. I did Meet the Editor and although I do understand a lot about that process already due to my MA, I did learn some things and it was pretty good.

After that was lunchtime so Libby and I walked to M&S in the train station to pick up a sandwich each. We went back into the venue to eat and got chatting to some different people, which was nice. We did keep explaining that we do already know each other and that our partners are brothers! 

After lunch the first talk was an author and an editor in conversation and it was really interesting - the author was called Eirinie Lapidaki and she is from the north east. Her book is about three women in the Highlands of Scotland who are all married to the same man, Elijah, a cult leader. It was really interesting to hear more about her craft and afterwards I ran to the book stall to buy a copy. Unfortunately I didn't see her again to get it signed, but I would have liked to.

My last workshop was Life Writing. I LOVE life writing (I do a lot of it in my zines) and I enjoyed the workshop. Then we were back in the main hall for the last talk, which was two northern writers talking about living and writing in the north. I was sat towards the back and I started to flag at this point, but I did still like it. 

The whole thing finished just before 5pm. There was a bar downstairs so we headed there for 'networking'. Libby and I shared a bottle of wine and we chatted to two people and made friends on instagram and stuff. It was really lovely! We wobbled out of there just before 6pm and walked to Super Natural. 

It is an all vegan restaurant and as Lianne is vegan and I am vegetarian it was ideal. Lee and Andrew and Lianne were already there. I chose one thing that I wanted but it turned out that it wasn't available after 5pm which was a bit annoying. I ended up going for a falafel platter instead. It was nice, but maybe a bit odd, and not what I had originally wanted. I had a tequila sunrise too which was delicious. They had vegan puddings so I had chocolate and clementine torte which was SO nice, it was really orangey. 

We chatted for a while and then about 8pm Lee and I said goodbye and everyone headed off home. We got home just after 10pm, both absolutely knackered so we just crashed into bed. I was asleep by 11.15!

I was really happy I bothered to go to the conference though. I've been trying to write again more, and I feel like this really reignited my spark for writing. It was lovely to spend the day with Libby - she's a lot of fun - and meet new people!

Look how beautiful this building was! This was before it started

Here's Janice Hallett on the right!

Look how pretty the ceiling was in Super Natural

Here we all are! Well minus Paul, we missed him but it was of course lovely to see Lianne

Tequila sunrise

My platter - it was fake fried chicken at the top and other delicious stuff

Lee had "chicken" kebab and he liked it but said there needed to be more sauce

And here'd my pudding!

Monday, June 24, 2024

Lunch Out and a Market with Roslyn

On Sunday the 12th of May I went to Sheffield to see my friend Roslyn. We hadn't met up in absolutely forever, so it was well overdue. She's vegetarian like me so she suggested that we went to Temple of Fun. I got to her house about 11.45. Her kids were very happy to see me and even happier when they discovered I'd brought them lots of stickers as I had been having a big sort out. 

Ros and I got to Temple of Fun about ten past twelve and we were the first customers in! We thought it we turned up early we wouldn't have a problem getting a table. One Sundays they do Sunday dinner but neither of us fancied that so they do also do burgers. I usually get a hotdog but that isn't available on Sundays so I went for a burger instead. It was a "chicken" patty with cheese, bacon Frazzles, and fake bacon. It was absolutely delicious! I also had "chicken" satay loaded fries which were spicy and delicious, with waffles fries. I didn't manage to eat all of them. Roslyn had those too and a different burger, I can't remember what hers had. I also had an oat milk hot chocolate - I've had them there before and they're so good! I was so full though. 

We finished lunch about 1.40 and I suggested that we go to Red Brick Market. I know a few people who sell things there so I wanted to have a look, and I knew it was open on Sundays. It's near Bramall Lane, so I drove there and we parked. It is absolutely gorgeous inside - so many unique sellers, so much vintage stuff, so many gorgeous handmade things. I could have spent an absolute fortune but I was quite restrained. I bought some earrings, a sticker, a postcard, an obsidian sphere, and some wax melts. Roslyn got a few bits too. I'll definitely go back! 

We went back to Roslyn's and I went in for a drink and to talk to her partner and the kids. The children entertained themselves by going through absolutely everything in my handbag! They're funny, cute little things so it was a joy to talk to them. 

I got home about 5pm I think. I had been wearing this Joe Browns dress that I got recently. I love the pattern and I love the length of it. I wore tights underneath but I could easily not do that in warmer weather. It has shortish sleeves so I did also put on a shrug but it was so warm that I didn't need it. 

Oat milk hot chocolate - I could go for another of these right now

Chicken frazzle burger

Chicken satay loaded fries

This little bit belongs to someone I know on Facebook. She had loads of lovely vintage crochet cardigans and a pencil case that I would have died for if I was ten years old! 

Outside. There were only two criticisms we had - we would have liked baskets to carry things round in as we both use walking sticks and it was hard to carry everything in one hand, and I think they could use a couple of seats for disabled people too

Here's the gorgeous bluey green dress

Here's what I bought. The melts are really good quality, I'm burning one right now

Finally here's photo booth photos that Ros and I took in Temple of Fun

Friday, June 21, 2024

Day Out at Cannon Hall

As I said in my previous post, Lee had a couple of days off in the middle of May. He had only had a couple of days off since Christmas so he needed some holidays. On the Friday I said we should go to Cannon Hall. We went on Good Friday, but we stayed in the lower part of the grounds, where the river and the garden centre and the ice cream stand are. So I suggested we go up the top, where the farm shop, the farm, and the hall itself are. I knew there was some kind of eatery up there so said we should have lunch, We got there and parked - it was quite busy to say it was just a random Friday in May! 

The cafe is called The White Bull and it didn't have a lot of vegetarian options, but it did have veggie sausage sandwiches so I decided on that. Lee had a tuna baguette which was huge. We both had chips; they were homemade and absolutely delicious. I had tons of ketchup in with my sausages and it was really nice! The cafe was really cute inside and there are outside spaces too. 

We then went into the farm shop where we bought many delicious things including milkshake, cheese, pastries for the next day, and more. We considered going into the farm but we didn't have a very long time as I had a meeting at 3.30pm and it's £10 each so we thought we'd go at some point but for later. So instead we went into the hall itself. I don't think I've ever been in before! It's interesting - the family that lived there gave the hall to Barnsley Council in the 1950s but they had been there a long time before that. The hall has a bunch of interesting things inside and some of the downstairs rooms are laid out like they would have been in the past. The view from the front rooms is really lovely and you can see why you would have built a huge hall there! 

There was also a slave ship called The Cannon Hall and there is a bit of information about it, and a piece of pottery and an embroidery in commemoration of those who died on the ship and those who were trafficked on it. I am appreciative that this recognition of something terrible exists, I was actually surprised but think it's the best way to make sure this history is heard.

We got home about 3pm so I had time to get changed before my meeting at half past. But you can see I was wearing this Joe Browns dress that I got recently; I love the pattern of it and it was really nice to have short sleeves as the weather was so nice. It was one of the first times I pulled out my new prescription sunglasses, I love them so much!

The barn where the cafe/pub is at the top of the Cannon Hall estate, near the hall itself

Lee and I

Veggie sausage sandwich and chips

The front of the hall itself

This fireplace was built in 1697

This is the ballroom, it was an addition to the hall

And has this really fancy fireplace in it

I absolutely love this quote - I think this is me in a quote!

Looking the other way down the ballroom

The embroidery detailing the lives of the slaves on the ship The Cannon Hall

And the sculpture piece - it is supposed to look like torsos, which it did more in person

Sitting outside in the sun for a moment with my new sunglasses on

And here's my gorgeous dress when we got home

Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Day Out with Lee

Last time I went to Slattery, back in April, to see my friend Amy, Lee complained that I never take him. It's quite difficult though to get a table at the weekends, so I told him to have a day off and we would go. So he did. We set off about 10.30 and went over Woodhead Pass. We got to Slatterys about 11.45 so went in and straight upstairs for our table at twelve o'clock.

We were seated in one of the booths, which was lovely! I think I've only sat in one of those twice before. I went for a bagel with smoked salmon (I do occasionally eat fish, and I love smoked salmon) and a hot chocolate to begin with. Lee had a tuna jacket potato and a hot chocolate too. Then for dessert we shared - we got Belgian waffles with chocolate and ice cream, and two scoops of ice cream, chocolate and strawberry, with a chocolate pot of milk chocolate poured over them. The chocolate solidified which was delicious!

By the time we had finished lunch we were stuffed. I had a nice coffee with my dessert, too. We weren't sure what to do then, so we decided to go to the Trafford Centre. It must be about a decade since I was last there and it's changed a lot in that time! We wandered into a few shops and then went into the food hall. I'm sad to see that the water feature is no longer in the middle of the downstairs! There was a bar near where we were, so we decided to get a drink there.

I had a white sangria which was absolutely delicious. I think I will have to try to make myself some over the summer. Lee had a lemonade. It was quiet but really nice. We then went into a few more shops before setting off back home at about 3.30. We got home about 5pm! It was a lovely day out.

I was wearing two things which are new to me but secondhand. Firstly my shoes were from a charity shop in Thirsky last autumn and I love them and was looking forward to wearing them this summer. But they rubbed blisters on my feet, so I will have to be careful when and where I wear them! I hope they'll stretch though. They're from Clarks originally so definitely worth the £5 I paid for them!

Then my dress! Lolly gave it to me just the day before this. I love the pattern. It's from Topsy Curvy originally and I just love how bright and loud it is. I will definitely wear this again.

Lee in our lovely booth in Slatterys. It's an absolutely gorgeous shop downstairs - they do amazing wedding cakes, other cakes, chocolate, and tons of other gifts - and the dining room upstairs which does amazing chocolate and lovely pastries as well as savoury dishes

Here's me - you can see a bit of the dress

My luscious hot chocolate

My smoked salmon bagel was not stingy on the salmon at all! There was cream cheese and spinach underneath

Our waffles and the chocolate pot that I ordered separately

Which we poured over this delicious ice cream

Looking one way just outside of Selfridges

And the other way. The Trafford Centre is one of the weirdest places on earth

For instance, the food court looks like a cruise ship. I wish they still had the water where the big T is!

These cute angel and devil wings were in the bar where we had a drink

Here we are!

My lovely white sangria 

My shoes and you can see my teal footless tights too

And finally the dress, isn't it just so gaudy and ridiculous! I love it!

Sunday, June 16, 2024

Lunch out with Lolly

On Wednesday the 8th of May I headed to Sheffield to see Lolly for lunch. Chloe was supposed to join us but unfortunately she wasn't well, so it was just me and Laura. So I left my house about 11.15 and drove to Middlewood tram park and ride, and parked there, and then got a tram to the cathedral. The sun had finally come out and Sheffield in the sunshine is just absolutely beautiful. It was like being abroad! 

I headed into Orchard Square where Lolly already was, and had an iced coffee - the first of the summer I think! - and we sat chatting for a bit. Then we headed next door into Sheffield Kitchen. It's one of those places where there are a few different types of small counters so you can choose what you like to eat but all sit together. Lolly had chosen it but I was pleased to see how many vegetarian options there were - I think there was choices everywhere except for the American grill place. We both went for Korean. I had loaded wedges and a bao bun with sweet potato croquettes and barbecue sauce. They were nice, but I would probably go for something else if I went again. 

We went into Waterstones and then TK Maxx - Lolly picked up some crockery and I was looking for tealight candles but didn't find any. Then we went across to Le Ble, which is a lovely cafe by the cathedral. We both had a chocolate and raspberry cake, which was delicious, and I had a lovely coffee, too. We sat chatting there until about 3.30 and then I waited for a tram to go back to Middlewood. 

I got home about 4pm to a lovely clean bathroom. We've decided to pay for a cleaner for a bit - we can afford it which I appreciate is a true privilege, and we often lack the werewithal between us to do much cleaning, so we think this will help for a bit. She had done an excellent job on the bathroom and had left it looking cute! 

I was wearing my yellow Scarlett and Jo skirt. I hadn't worn it in ages and then it popped up on Timehop and I thought ooh yes I'll pull that out again. I also wore my Hamilton t shirt - I think they look cute together. 

Loaded wedges

And my delicious bao bun

Gorgeous chocolate and raspberry something - I love ganache like this

And me in my Scarlett and Jo skirt and Hamilton t shirt

Oh you can see that the cleaner hoovered the stairs too, which also looked so nice!