Wednesday, June 12, 2024

A Gig and Drinks in Huddersfield

On the 4th of May I went to Huddersfield to meet up with Sam and to see Frank Turner. Sam and I used to love him so much, but we both just sort of stopped listening to him, and we worked out we had last seen him way back in 2011! Jeez that's a long time ago! But then he was doing this world record attempt to play 15 gigs in 24 hours or something, and it turned out he was playing Huddersfield. Sam lives there and it's not too far from me, so when she bought a ticket I thought I would too. I thought it would be interesting to be part of the history, too! It was only £12 so not too bad. 

Lee took me to Huddersfield and I went into The Parish where Sam already was, and had a drink with her. At 2pm they started letting people upstairs into the gig space so we went up. I've only been in there once before. I hadn't asked for accessibility because I knew it wouldn't be a long gig, but as it was, there was like a window seat where I snagged a seat. Sam then stood next to me, which was at the top of the steps, meaning that she could see the stage better.

Frank came on at 2.30 and played for half an hour. He played many new stuff, but two old ones that I really enjoyed listening to. I enjoyed the whole thing actually, it was good fun. He does have interesting stories to tell. 

When it finished at 3pm we walked to the Piazza to go into Thread Republic. It's like a thrift store and craft shop all in one. My friend Kim sells her stuff in there so I bought some earrings from her. Then we headed to Wetherspoons. I don't often go in there but we wanted cheap drinks so we went in. We shared a bunch of cocktails and a shot each, and had some food. I had a veggie burger which came with chips and onion rings and was perfectly serviceable. 

Sam left about 5.30 to get her bus, and my mum was coming for me at 6pm, so I sat reading my book in Wetherspoons for a bit longer until it was time to walk round. I went to sixth form college in Huddersfield so it was like the old days getting drunk and waiting for a lift from one of my parents! My mum came in when we got back here because she wanted to see our new sofa. It's a green bluey colour and it's a corner sofa. We've got rid of both of ours to have this one. We just have such a tiny living room! But it's lovely and I'm glad.

I got my mum to take the photo of my dress before she left. I got it second hand from Georgina and I really love it. The neckline is too low on me so I wear a black tank top underneath it. I paired it with my teal footless tights from Snag. 

Red wine before the gig

Sitting waiting for Frank

I love getting wristbands with the venue names on - I actually also got a paper ticket! I can't remember the last time I had a paper ticket!

Frank! His t shirt says "Whose stupid idea was this?"

It was sold out and the venue was packed

This boarding was up in the piazza in Huddersfield

And I really liked this old sign near Wetherspoons (there's two in Huddersfield, this is the 'bottom' one)

Ridiculously cheap and sweet cocktails

And some more - that one on the left was rank!

A shot each, mine was a Baby Guinness of course

And finally a Purple Rain while I was waiting for my mum

And here's my lovely dress

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