Saturday, June 29, 2024

Lunch in Derbyshire with Lee and Philippa

So you may remember that last year I did a list of 'forty before forty' things that I wanted to do before I turned forty in January. I did not do brilliantly, but I enjoyed the things I did do. So I decided to make a list of things I wanted to do before I turn forty one next January. I chose forty one things to do! And one of those things was to go to Derbyshire to a country pub with Lee and Philippa for lunch. They were both up for it so I booked a table at the Cheshire Cheese Inn which is in Hope. It's a part of the world that I really love; it's so beautiful and we've camped close by and visited Castleton too. I've never been to this pub, though, and I liked the look of the menu so I chose it. 

Lee and I were tired after our long day in Newcastle - I fell asleep about 11.15 which is really unusual for me - so we were glad to not be up too early. We lounged about and then tidied up the bedroom a bit before we both got in the shower. We set off just before midday. I drove because Lee was so tired and said he would drive back. It took us about an hour to get there and it is such a beautiful drive. We went in. The pub is really small and we were put on the table right in front of the bar which was a bit annoying because it meant everyone had to pass us. I should have asked to move but some of the tables were down steep steps and and Philippa is disabled I didn't know if she would mind. The staff were a bit odd too - the landlord wass very grumpy and not very welcoming.

But! Pippa arrived and we ordered food and drinks. She and I both went for the vegetarian Sunday dinner and Lee got the turkey one. Mine was so nice! There was a nut roast with goats cheese, Yorkshire pudding, stuffing, roast potatoes, carrots, green beans, and cauliflower cheese. It was all well cooked and clearly homemade. 

We were chatting so it didn't really matter, but the staff took ages to come and take our dessert orders. Lee and I both went for warm chocolate fudge cake with ice cream and Philippa went for crumble. They were really nice desserts. I will say that the food was lovely but the atmosphere just left a bit to be desired for me. 

We finally left at about 3.45. It was another nice drive home. It was finally sunny and lovely to be travelling in the sunshine. When we got home the cats insisted on going out the back for a while. They're allowed out the back and the front but only with supervision. I sat for a bit with them before getting changed. I was wearing this Joe Browns dress that I've had forever but hadn't worn in a really long time. Because I have lost weight it is a little too big for me now, and I also no longer have a white cardigan to wear with it. So I decided to wear a white top underneath it and I think it works well. I love the pattern on the dress so I will try and wear it more this year!

My dinner before I added the vegetables

Lovely warm chocolate fudge cake

I took this photo of all of us just as we were leaving. Look at that sky! The pub has a lot of character too

Cats outside investigating insects and chewing weeds

Lee used to be able to pick them up in one hand but look how big they are now! So big!

Here's my dress and top

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