Friday, June 14, 2024

Food and Cinema in Huddersfield

On the 7th of May I first of all went to work and had a lot to sort out, but I got a lot done and still managed to come home at a reasonable time. I was wearing these new cornflower blue shoes from Vinted. They're from Cotton Traders originally, andI  actually saw some really similar in a charity shop in Skipton when we went, but they were £12 which was a bit steep for the condition they were in. So I checked Vinted and this pair were there, for just £5 plus postage! They were brand new, too, so I'm glad I looked. I absolutely love the colour and I think I'll wear these a lot this summer because they let the air in while still being covered shoes. 

I sat at home for a bit and then set off to Huddersfield to meet Sam and Jodie. We had booked tickets to see Nye at the cinema. It was one of those streaming shows of a theatre performance, and I had heard that it was really good, and I really wanted to see it. So we had booked it ages ago and decided to meet up for tea first.

We went to Indian House on King Street. Way back pre pandemic it was called Mandalay and it was a Burmese restaurant. I went one time, perhaps twice. Then it became a place called Bambukat which I went to a couple of times last year and really liked. Now it's rebranded but it's basically the same food as Bambukat and it's still nice. 

They have Indian street food and thalis and curries and rice. I decided to go for street food. I had onion bhajis, aloo tikki chat, and an egg dosa. I liked them all - the bhajis were spicy and delicious, the chat was absolutely amazing and I would like it again right now, and the dosa was alright - I wouldn't get it again but I am glad I tried it. Sam and Jodie had a starter and a thali each; I was quite jealous of the thalis but I'm glad I had something different as that's what I usually get. 

After food we headed down to the cinema and got our seats. Michael Sheen was playing Aneurin Bevan, who was instrumental in setting up the NHS in the late 1940s. In the play, he's had an operation and is dying, and hallucinates his way through his whole life, showing us the type of person his was, his politics, and all of that. It was really good. Michael Sheen is always great. I would recommend it if you can see it! 

Gorgeous cornflower shoes - are they blue or purple? A little bit of both!

Onion bhajis

My chat - I wish I could learn to make this at home!

And my dosa, with different sauces

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