Friday, June 21, 2024

Day Out at Cannon Hall

As I said in my previous post, Lee had a couple of days off in the middle of May. He had only had a couple of days off since Christmas so he needed some holidays. On the Friday I said we should go to Cannon Hall. We went on Good Friday, but we stayed in the lower part of the grounds, where the river and the garden centre and the ice cream stand are. So I suggested we go up the top, where the farm shop, the farm, and the hall itself are. I knew there was some kind of eatery up there so said we should have lunch, We got there and parked - it was quite busy to say it was just a random Friday in May! 

The cafe is called The White Bull and it didn't have a lot of vegetarian options, but it did have veggie sausage sandwiches so I decided on that. Lee had a tuna baguette which was huge. We both had chips; they were homemade and absolutely delicious. I had tons of ketchup in with my sausages and it was really nice! The cafe was really cute inside and there are outside spaces too. 

We then went into the farm shop where we bought many delicious things including milkshake, cheese, pastries for the next day, and more. We considered going into the farm but we didn't have a very long time as I had a meeting at 3.30pm and it's £10 each so we thought we'd go at some point but for later. So instead we went into the hall itself. I don't think I've ever been in before! It's interesting - the family that lived there gave the hall to Barnsley Council in the 1950s but they had been there a long time before that. The hall has a bunch of interesting things inside and some of the downstairs rooms are laid out like they would have been in the past. The view from the front rooms is really lovely and you can see why you would have built a huge hall there! 

There was also a slave ship called The Cannon Hall and there is a bit of information about it, and a piece of pottery and an embroidery in commemoration of those who died on the ship and those who were trafficked on it. I am appreciative that this recognition of something terrible exists, I was actually surprised but think it's the best way to make sure this history is heard.

We got home about 3pm so I had time to get changed before my meeting at half past. But you can see I was wearing this Joe Browns dress that I got recently; I love the pattern of it and it was really nice to have short sleeves as the weather was so nice. It was one of the first times I pulled out my new prescription sunglasses, I love them so much!

The barn where the cafe/pub is at the top of the Cannon Hall estate, near the hall itself

Lee and I

Veggie sausage sandwich and chips

The front of the hall itself

This fireplace was built in 1697

This is the ballroom, it was an addition to the hall

And has this really fancy fireplace in it

I absolutely love this quote - I think this is me in a quote!

Looking the other way down the ballroom

The embroidery detailing the lives of the slaves on the ship The Cannon Hall

And the sculpture piece - it is supposed to look like torsos, which it did more in person

Sitting outside in the sun for a moment with my new sunglasses on

And here's my gorgeous dress when we got home

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