Sunday, June 9, 2024

Lunch Out with Sarah

At the beginning of May I headed down to Sarah's house to see her. As a reminder, her husband died very suddenly just before Christmas, which was of course horrible. Their daughter started nursery recently and is settling in really well, which is excellent. So Sarah wanted to stay close to her house, in case something happened, so I said I would go down. 

She has obviously been through a lot and the couple of weeks before I saw her were bad too, so I had thought that I would probably encourage her to go out for lunch with me just to get her to be somewhere else. She suggested it too, though, so I didn't need to put any pressure on! I got to hers just after 11am and we went to a garden centre not too far away from Sarah's house. We got there just before brunch finished so were able to order off that menu. I went for poached eggs and avocado on toast, which had spring onions and chilli on it too. I also had a hot chocolate.

We had to be back for Sarah's shopping delivery coming at 1pm, so we decided to buy cake to eat at hers. We got back there and since the weather was so nice we sat outside in her garden. She's had it all done and it looks amazing - really pretty flags and then a lawned area. She's got new garden furniture too so we sat there in the sunshine eating coffee cake. It was lovely! 

Sarah's dad brought R home at about 3pm, so I stayed to chat to him for a bit and see R, and then set off back home. I was meeting Lee and my mum at the gym to go swimming, so we did that! 

I didn't get a photo of my outfit because I'm an idiot, but I can show you my new shoes. I got them off Vinted, where else. They're Dr Martens shoes with the iconic yellow stitching, and I really love the floral pattern. They seem basically brand new but only cost me about £25! I can see me wearing these a lot this summer. 

Gorgeous pretty Dr Marten Mary Jane shoes with this lovely floral pattern. With footless Snag Tights, of course!

Gorgeous hot chocolate

Eggs and avocado on tiny tiny toast

And finally my really delicious coffee cake!

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