Tuesday, June 4, 2024

Snooker Tuesday

At the end of April my mother and I had tickets to see the World Championship Snooker again in Sheffield. We have been for the last couple of years and even though I don't watch the snooker, when you're watching it live it's fun to watch and I've enjoyed myself each time. My mum bought the tickets last May so we've had it booked for ages! 

Lee took us to Sheffield for about 9am and we went into Marmaduke's right next to the Crucible and had some breakfast. I had a latte and a pain au chocolat, which were both lovely. Then we met Steve Davis! He was in there having a coffee so we spoke to him briefly and he was nice to us. He's a hero of my mum's - she's been obsessed with snooker since before I was born - so she was happy.

Then we headed over to the Crucible and got our seats. For the morning session we watched Dave Gilbert and Stephen Maguire - Dave Gilbert did excellently so it was no surprise he won the session. It finished just before 1pm so we went out to get some lunch. We went into the Millennium Gardens where the BBC commentary happens, so we saw John Parrott, Neil Robertson, and Hazel Irvine, but only from the back. There's a cafe in there so we got a panini each and then got back into the queue for the afternoon session which started at 2.30.

It was Ronnie O'Sullivan versus Stuart Bingham; Ronnie is brilliant of course but was not playing his best and made some silly mistake. I had a radio earpiece so I could hear the commentary, it was Stephen Hendry and John Virgo so pretty interesting to listen to. In the morning it was Steve Davis and Ken Doherty so that was good too. 

The session finished at about 5.45 and the train back to my village wasn't until 6.35 so we walked down to the station and went into the pub next door for a glass of wine each. I got home about 7.15 and I was absolutely knackered but I had had such a good day! Watching the nsooker live is good fun, so we're looking to buy tickets for next year, too. 

My pain au chocolat in Marmaduke's which is an excellent cafe, I recommend it

In the queue! 

Inside, I love all the signage

In the first session before it started

In the Millennium Gardens at lunchtime

Steve Davis! I promise he was more happy to talk to us than he looks

The BBC commentary

Ronnie O'Sullivan coming out

These last ones are my mum's photos, I just stole them

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