Sunday, June 16, 2024

Lunch out with Lolly

On Wednesday the 8th of May I headed to Sheffield to see Lolly for lunch. Chloe was supposed to join us but unfortunately she wasn't well, so it was just me and Laura. So I left my house about 11.15 and drove to Middlewood tram park and ride, and parked there, and then got a tram to the cathedral. The sun had finally come out and Sheffield in the sunshine is just absolutely beautiful. It was like being abroad! 

I headed into Orchard Square where Lolly already was, and had an iced coffee - the first of the summer I think! - and we sat chatting for a bit. Then we headed next door into Sheffield Kitchen. It's one of those places where there are a few different types of small counters so you can choose what you like to eat but all sit together. Lolly had chosen it but I was pleased to see how many vegetarian options there were - I think there was choices everywhere except for the American grill place. We both went for Korean. I had loaded wedges and a bao bun with sweet potato croquettes and barbecue sauce. They were nice, but I would probably go for something else if I went again. 

We went into Waterstones and then TK Maxx - Lolly picked up some crockery and I was looking for tealight candles but didn't find any. Then we went across to Le Ble, which is a lovely cafe by the cathedral. We both had a chocolate and raspberry cake, which was delicious, and I had a lovely coffee, too. We sat chatting there until about 3.30 and then I waited for a tram to go back to Middlewood. 

I got home about 4pm to a lovely clean bathroom. We've decided to pay for a cleaner for a bit - we can afford it which I appreciate is a true privilege, and we often lack the werewithal between us to do much cleaning, so we think this will help for a bit. She had done an excellent job on the bathroom and had left it looking cute! 

I was wearing my yellow Scarlett and Jo skirt. I hadn't worn it in ages and then it popped up on Timehop and I thought ooh yes I'll pull that out again. I also wore my Hamilton t shirt - I think they look cute together. 

Loaded wedges

And my delicious bao bun

Gorgeous chocolate and raspberry something - I love ganache like this

And me in my Scarlett and Jo skirt and Hamilton t shirt

Oh you can see that the cleaner hoovered the stairs too, which also looked so nice!

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