Tuesday, January 30, 2024

Book Club Christmas Dinner 2023

The 13th of December was mt book club Christmas dinner. This is something I always look forward to. We always meet at Cubley Hall anyway, but usually we just have a drink while talking about the book. But at Christmas we have a meal each and play a game and do a Secret Santa too. This year Ceri (the leader) had mentioned doing a Pass the Parcel so I volunteered because I do one where there were forfeits in each round. I had fun putting it together, and I wrapped it at lunchtime on the Wednesday. I think there were about sixteen layers! 

Because of this I needed to get to Cubley Hall early to set up. Lee took me so I could have a drink, and I got there about 6.20 I reckon. I set up the drink forfeits which were some alcohol including neat gin and neat cherry brandy, and some non alcoholic including neat Vimto and grenadine. Totally gross! I waited for everyone else, hiding my stuff behind a chair. We did some furniture removing so that we could all sit together, and then we ordered food. The vegetarian selection at Cubley Hall is not brilliant but I went for the vegan burger and actually really enjoyed it, so that was good. 

We talked about the book - Silas Marner - while we were waiting for the food to arrive. We generally liked it and it is quite festive so it fitted in quite well for our December meeting. We all enjoyed our food and drink. There were thirteen of us in total, I think. After food we did a quiz that Paula's husband had put together for us - me and Rae got 18 out of 20 which was pretty good but we didn't win! Then pass the parcel. It was ridiculous, everyone really enjoyed it and said they'd love for me to do it again next year. A few people said they would do a similar thing for their families over Christmas! It didn't cost me very much. I got the pirate masks off eBay.

We posed for a photo together before we said goodbye, which was around 10pm! I have the same photo from last year too. Our book club was ten years old this year and it really is such a joy in my life. 

I was wearing this Joe Brown's dress which I like to wear at Christmas as I feel it's quite festive. And then sparkly tights which are basically all I've worn in December, but I'm not sure if you can see them properly! Lee came to pick me up and I was very glad to go straight to bed!

The pass the parcel all ready to go when I'd done it at home

The drinks all ready behind the chair so no one could peep!

My vegan burger which came with chips

In the middle of singing Twelve Days of Christmas

So cute!

And just as the pass the parcel was about to start 

Our pirates all together at the end. Lynn took the masks home for her grandson, at least they'll be used!

Our full club photo - we had two members missing but otherwise this was all of us

And finally my lovely red and navy dress when I got home

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