Tuesday, January 2, 2024

Lunch with a Friend on 15th November

My friend Helen and I met up in the middle of November at Slattery's, in north Manchester, for lunch. She and I don't meet up too often, but this time of year we often do get together. It turned out to be very close to the anniversary of when we had first met in person, seven years ago when her youngest child was very little! We first met on Twitter through mutual friends, so it was nice to meet her in person and it's still always nice to see her. 

We often go to Slattery's because it is just so nice, but you have to book and the booking for a particular date only comes out a month before that date, so you have to watch the website, too! But I managed it, and I made it over to Manchester for about 11.45. I waited for a parking space which didn't take long, and then I headed upstairs to the dining room. Helen arrived not too long after me. 

I had what I always have - a milk hot chocolate, rarebit with garlic mushrooms, and the strawberry and marshmallow dipper. I do sometimes have a different dessert, but I also really like dipping stuff in the melted chocolate, so I can't complain about it. I will say that this time the white chocolate started to solidify in the cup almost straight away, which was weird. I only ate half of the dessert and then I brought the rest home and ate it the next day. 

After we had eaten we went downstairs into the shop where I bought a few gifts for Christmas and some other goodies. Lee had asked for some chocolate fudge cake so I took us both a piece of that home too. 

I got home about 4pm and then went to bed for a bit as I had slept really rubbish for the previous few nights and really needed to rest. Especially because I was going out again to book club! I got dressed again and headed out not long after six o'clock. It was, as always, lovely to see my book club. As I was going out I pulled on this 'new' coat that Lolly gave me months ago but it just hasn't been cold enough to wear it! It's lovely though - really warm and cosy. I'll be wearing it a lot this winter I think!

Hot chocolate - melted chocolate round the sides of the glass and hot milk inside so you mix it all up yourself. I love it!

Rarebit with garlic mushrooms

Here's me and Helen! 

Strawberry and marshmallow dipper pudding - just gorgeous

And finally here's this gorgeous green coat that Lolly gave me. It came from Simply Be originally!

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